- action
- in Project Builder
- automating, 1-7
- definition, 1-4
- multiple platforms, 1-22
- ActiveX controls, 6-17
- built-ins, 6-9
- examples, 6-24
- properties, 6-20
- Activex controls
- use guidelines, 6-21
- alerts, 2-27
- using to change NLS_LANG, 4-2
- using to specify default format mask, 4-14
- anchor, 2-33, 2-34
- animation, 3-33
- application
- associating modules with, 1-7
- customizing using foreign functions, 6-26
- deploying, 1-25
- design and development, 1-10
- designing for portability, 5-1
- designing user interface, 2-1
- maintenance and support, 1-18
- managing, 1-1
- multilingual, 4-1
- multiple platforms, 1-21
- project administrator role, 1-19
- release phase, 1-25
- running against ODBC datasources, 6-70
- software development life cycle, 1-2
- test phase, 1-22
- translating, 4-18
- application server, 3-31
- array processing, 3-11
- bar graph, 2-38
- Base Printing On property, 2-35
- bidirectional support, 4-6
- in Form Builder, 4-7
- in Report Builder, 4-8
- language environment variable, 4-6
- Big Font, 4-10
- block
- in Form Builder
- definition, 2-11
- design guidelines, 2-23
- boilerplate, 2-33
- break groups, 3-24
- Build From type action, 1-8
- built-ins
- OLE and ActiveX, 6-9
- button, 2-33
- portability considerations, 5-7, 5-18
- canvas
- in Form Builder
- definition, 2-14
- design guidelines, 2-19
- changes at runtime, 3-32
- character data
- sorting, 4-13
- character set, 4-1, 4-4
- conversion, 4-4
- design considerations, 4-4
- multibyte, 4-4
- character-mode platform
- for forms, 5-14
- for reports, 5-19
- Clearcase, 1-10
- color
- design guidelines, 2-18
- portability considerations, 5-4, 5-18
- compiling
- modifying results, 1-21
- project, 1-20
- configuration choice, 3-30
- connection strings, 1-9
- creating, 1-14
- console
- portability considerations, 5-8
- container window, 2-12
- Content canvas, 2-14
- context-sensitive help, 2-29
- control block, 2-12
- COPIES parameter, 3-27
- data block, 2-12
- data model, 3-12
- Data Model view, 2-32
- database design, 3-12
- debug mode, 3-22
- default format mask
- specifying with ALTER SESSION, 4-14
- specifying with the language environment variable, 4-11
- DEI file, 1-29
- Deliver File property, 1-9
- Deliverable Type property, 1-8
- DEPLOY directory, 1-29
- desktop machine, 3-31
- obtaining the current value of, 4-16
- using for bidirectional applications, 4-6
- display size, 3-33
- distribution media, 1-26
- definition of, 1-26
- DO_SQL procedure, 3-29
- Double-Y, 2-39
- DPI (dots per inch)
- portability considerations, 5-18
- embedded object, 6-3
- entry
- in Project Builder, 1-4
- explicit anchor, 2-34
- export
- cross-platform development, 1-9
- external activation, 6-4
- fetch-ahead, 3-27
- field, 2-33
- fixed sizes, 3-22
- font
- portability considerations, 5-5, 5-18
- font aliases, 5-5
- font aliasing, 4-5
- font substitution, 4-5
- font support
- for Unicode, 4-10
- foreign function, 6-26
- creating, 6-31
- examples, 6-38
- interface, 6-27
- use guidelines, 6-29
- form
- character-mode platforms, 5-14
- Form Builder
- bidirectional support, 4-7
- building effective forms, 2-10
- character-mode platforms, 5-14
- design guidelines, 2-16
- designing for portability, 5-2, 5-11
- using with Open API, 6-52
- Form module, 2-10
- format element
- number, 4-14
- format mask
- default, 4-11
- design considerations, 4-11
- overriding the default, 4-12
- specifying default with ALTER SESSION, 4-14
- specifying default with the language environment variable, 4-11
- format triggers, 3-20
- formatting attributes, 3-23
- frame, 2-33
- in Form Builder, 2-12
- Gantt, 2-39
- get_application_property, 5-13
- Global Registry, 1-11
- in Project Builder, 1-5
- global variables, 3-19
- Graphics Builder
- creating effective displays, 2-37
- designing for portability, 5-19
- group filters, 3-14
- GTM GlossaryTerm, Glossary-8
- GUI (graphical user interface)
- see user interface
- handles for referencing, 3-30
- hardware power, 3-34
- headings
- H1 Head1, 2-31, 2-32
- High-low, 2-39
- Horizontal Elasticity, 2-35
- hyperlinks, 3-33
- icon
- portability considerations, 5-6
- image resolution, 3-23
- implicit anchor, 2-34
- implied item, 1-8
- import
- cross-platform development, 1-9
- in-place activation, 6-4
- INS file, 1-29
- installable component, 1-26
- installation
- files, 1-27
- process, 1-30
- item
- in Form Builder
- definition, 2-11
- design guidelines, 2-23
- JAR files, 3-33
- Java class files, 3-33
- just-in-time compiling, 3-34
- Kanji characters, 4-22
- Keep with Anchoring Object property, 2-37
- language conventions, 4-5
- language environment variable, 4-2
- NLS_LANG, 4-2
- using to specify character set, 4-4
- using to specify default format mask, 4-11
- using to specify language, 4-5
- using to specify territory, 4-5
- Launcher, 1-5
- Launcher toolbar, 1-10
- Layout Model view, 2-32, 2-33
- library usage, 3-33
- Line chart, 2-39
- linked object, 6-3
- LOBs, 3-18
- locking, 3-19
- LOGON parameter, 3-29
- LONGCHUNK parameter, 3-26
- LONGs, 3-18
- macro
- in Project Builder, 1-4
- multiple platforms, 1-22
- MAP file, 1-28
- maximizing performance
- See performance suggestions
- measuring performance, 3-7
- menu
- in Form Builder
- design guidelines, 2-30
- portability considerations, 5-7
- menu items, enabling/disabling, 3-32
- Menu module, 2-10
- messages
- in Form Builder
- design guidelines, 2-27
- microhelp, 2-29
- moat, 5-7
- modal window, 2-12
- modeless window, 2-12
- modules
- adding to project, 1-14
- assigning connection strings to, 1-9
- checking in and out, 1-21
- creating dependencies, 1-8, 1-14
- creating install package, 1-9
- editing, 1-20
- in Form Builder, 2-10
- monitor
- portability considerations, 5-3
- multibyte character set, 4-1, 4-4
- multilingual application, 4-1
- translating, 4-18
- multimedia, 3-33
- multiple datasources
- See also
- use guidelines
- multiple servers, 3-35
- multi-tiered server, 3-28
- National Language Support (NLS), 4-1
- navigation between forms, 3-18
- NLS, see National Language Support
- NLS_CALENDAR, 4-2, 4-14, 4-16
- NLS_CURRENCY, 4-2, 4-14, 4-16
- NLS_DATE_FORMAT, 4-2, 4-14
- NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE, 4-2, 4-14, 4-16
- NLS_DEBIT, 4-2
- NLS_ISO_CURRENCY, 4-2, 4-14, 4-16
- NLS_LANG, 4-2
- changing with ALTER SESSION, 4-2
- setting for Unicode, 4-10
- setting for UTF-8, 4-10
- syntax, 4-2
- NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS, 4-2, 4-14, 4-16
- NLS_SORT, 4-2, 4-14
- NLSSORT, 4-13
- non-Oracle foreign function, 6-27
- number format element, 4-14
- object group, 2-6
- object library, 2-5
- definition, 2-15
- Object Library module, 2-11
- See
- OCA (Open Client Adapter)
- OCA.PLL, 6-71
- overview, 6-70
- running applications against ODBC datasources, 6-74
- use guidelines
- See
- ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)
- See
- OLE (Object Linking and Embedding), 6-2
- about OLE automation, 6-5
- about OLE servers and containers, 6-3
- built-ins, 6-9
- container properties, 6-7
- embedded objects, 6-3
- examples, 6-15
- external activation, 6-4
- in-place activation, 6-4
- linked objects, 6-3
- registration database, 6-4
- See also
- use guidelines, 6-13
- online help
- implementing, 2-29
- portability considerations, 5-10
- Open API
- creating or modifying modules, 6-55
- examples, 6-56
- overview, 6-52
- use guidelines, 6-55
- Open Client Adapter
- See
- OPENDB.PLL, 6-71
- operating system
- portability considerations, 5-9
- ORA_FFI, 6-27
- Oracle Applications object library, 2-5, 2-15
- Oracle Call Interface foreign function, 6-27
- Oracle File Packager, 1-26
- Oracle Installer, 1-26, 1-27
- Oracle precompiler foreign function, 6-27
- ORDER BY clause
- using NLSSORT to control, 4-13
- Page Break After property, 2-36
- Page Break Before property, 2-36
- Page Protect property, 2-37
- Parameter Form view, 2-32
- paths, specifying, 3-28
- PDF, 4-4
- performance suggestions
- client/server specific, 3-30
- data usage, 3-11
- Form Builder specific, 3-15
- Graphics Builder specific, 3-29
- introduction to, 3-5
- Java specific, 3-31
- measurements, 3-7
- Report Builder specific, 3-19
- sharing work, 3-14
- three-tier environment specific, 3-31
- upgrades, 3-10
- web specific, 3-31
- pie chart, 2-38
- platform
- portability considerations, 5-9
- translating strings, 4-20
- PL/SQL efficiency, 3-12
- PL/SQL libraries
- using to translate a multilingual application, 4-20
- PL/SQL Library module, 2-11, 2-31
- popup hints, 2-29
- portability
- designing applications, 5-1
- managing multi-platform projects, 1-21
- registries, 1-21
- user interface considerations, 2-6
- PRD file, 1-27
- preface
- Send Us Your Comments, xiii
- pre-loading, 3-34
- Print Object On property, 2-35
- Product
- definition of, 1-26
- project
- building, 1-20
- creating, 1-12
- definition, 1-4
- multiple platforms, 1-21
- packaging for release, 1-25
- project administrator, 1-6
- creating a project, 1-12
- definition of role, 1-6
- managing multi-platform projects, 1-22
- release phase, 1-25
- test phase, 1-23
- working with projects, 1-19
- Project Builder
- accessing other tools, 1-9
- benefits, 1-7
- installing, 1-11
- overview, 1-3
- roles, 1-6
- terminology, 1-4
- project items
- implied items, 1-8
- Project Navigator, 1-5
- project registry file
- definition, 1-5
- sharing and porting, 1-9
- Project Wizard, 1-12
- prompt
- portability considerations, 5-8
- Property Palette, 1-5
- PVCS, 1-10
- record group fetch size, 3-18
- Ref Cursor, 3-15
- region
- in Form Builder
- definition, 2-12
- design guidelines, 2-22
- registration database, 6-4
- registry
- in Project Builder, 1-5
- portability, 1-21
- registry file
- sharing and porting, 1-9
- release phase, 1-25
- repeating frame, 2-33
- report
- on character-mode platforms, 5-19
- Report Builder
- bidirectional support, 4-8
- building effective reports, 2-30
- character-mode platforms, 5-19
- controlling layout objects, 2-33
- designing for portability, 5-18
- Editor views, 2-32
- modules, 2-31
- templates, 2-32
- report definition file
- using NLS parameters in, 4-17
- Report module, 2-31
- residence choice, 3-31
- runtime changes, 3-32
- runtime language switching, 4-19
- runtime parameters, 3-22
- scalability
- See performance suggestions
- Scatter, 2-39
- screen
- design considerations, 4-21
- screen design
- for translation, 4-21
- Send Us Your Comments
- boilerplate, xiii
- server (tier-two machine), 3-31
- servers, multiple, 3-35
- sharing between components, 3-14
- shortcut built-ins, 3-30
- software development life cycle, 1-2
- source control
- multiple platforms, 1-22
- setting up, 1-15
- using, 1-10
- space reduction
- See performance suggestions
- speed, improving
- See performance suggestions
- SQL efficiency, 3-12
- SQL functions
- using NLS parameters with, 4-16
- SRW.DO_SQL, 3-25
- SRW.SET_ATTR, 3-26
- Stacked canvas, 2-14
- Stage area
- definition of, 1-26
- stage area, 1-26
- Standard object library, 2-5, 2-15
- StarBase, 1-10
- StarTeam, 1-10
- storage for documents, 3-28
- storage reduction
- See performance suggestions
- stored procedures, 3-15
- storyboard, 2-7
- subproject
- in Project Builder, 1-4
- system test, 1-2
- Tab canvas, 2-14
- table linking, 3-21
- table of records, 3-16
- template, 2-6, 2-32
- territory conventions, 4-5
- test phase, 1-22
- three-tier structure, 3-31
- Toolbar canvas, 2-14
- Tooltips, 2-29
- translating a multilingual application, 4-18
- using PL/SQL libraries, 4-20
- using runtime language switching, 4-19
- using Translation Builder, 4-18
- Translation Builder, 4-18
- using to translate a multilingual application, 4-18
- transparent objects, 3-22
- type
- in Project Builder, 1-4
- Unicode, 4-8
- font support, 4-10
- setting NLS_LANG, 4-10
- support, 4-9
- UTF-8, 4-8
- unit test, 1-2
- user exit
- interface to foreign functions, 6-27, 6-35
- ORA_FFI, 6-27
- portability considerations, 5-11
- user exits, 3-24
- user feedback
- gathering, 2-9
- user interface
- building, 2-9
- designing, 2-1
- designing for portability, 5-2
- translating, 4-10
- user registry
- in Project Builder
- customizing, 1-17
- definition, 1-5
- user requirements
- defining, 2-3
- USER_NLS_LANG, 4-2, 4-3
- obtaining the current value of, 4-16
- using for bidirectional applications, 4-6
- using to translate a multilingual application, 4-19
- UTF-8, 4-8, 4-9
- setting NLS_LANG, 4-10
- validation, 3-32
- variable sizes, 3-23
- version label, 1-19
- versions
- synchronizing, 1-19
- Vertical Elasticity, 2-35
- viewports, 2-14
- VRF file, 1-29
- WHERE clause
- using NLSSORT to compare strings, 4-13
- white space, 4-21
- widget usage, 3-19
- window
- in Form Builder
- definition, 2-12
- design guidelines, 2-21
- word wrapping, 3-23