/* Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1992, 1996. All Rights Reserved */ /***************************************************************************** NAME spx80.ins DESCRIPTION This script performs the installation tasks for the Windows 32 SPX product. OWNER Tony Rodgers MODIFIED DD-MMM-YY Reason dstiefel 06-AUG-96 Update for net30 dstiefel 22-FEB-96 Merge NT/95 for 2.3.2 dlau 07-AUG-95 Modified for SQLNET 2.2 eflores 06-APR-94 Modified for Windows NT. zkhan 11-AUG-93 Modified for SQLNET and for using V3. or later of the installer. trodgers 10-APR-92 Created. *****************************************************************************/ { if (doit) { /* OCSM Compliance */ { Win32_register_OCSM_product(); } [ 'default: win32_ocsm_register_product(); ] /* Register the groups in the map file and specify which should get copied over under the three OCSM installation modes. */ # win32_register_ocsm_group(deinstl, 'MAXMODE); win32_register_ocsm_group(dll, 'MAXMODE); # win32_register_ocsm_group(deinstl, 'MEDMODE); win32_register_ocsm_group(dll, 'MEDMODE); # win32_register_ocsm_group(deinstl, 'MINMODE); win32_register_ocsm_group(dll, 'MINMODE); /* end OCSM Compliance */ if (install_dependent) install(dependent); ui_product(product_label); ui_action(instantiate(net2_install_script)); # copy(deinstl, nls_abbreviation); ui_action(instantiate(net2_install_dll)); { copy(dll); } ['WRITE_ERROR:{ information_dialog(instantiate(app_prompt), app_content, instantiate(app_help)); signal('FAILURE,instantiate(nls("inst_terminated","Installation terminated. Please stop all Oracle applications that are using %%product_label%%."))); } ] /* Register Product and Dependencies */ ui_action(instantiate(net2_register)); register(current_product); if (install_dependent) reference(dependent,current_product); if (member(selected_products,current_product)) reference(current_product); } }