/* Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1996. All Rights Reserved */ /********************************************************************************** user.nls This file provides the variables which hold the product description strings for the .prd file. The nls() function is used to properly internationalize the text strings, and the function is performed in this script so that checkmap can detect it when generating the .prn file. Variable naming is simple: _description **********************************************************************************/ { { if(reports_v == "true") {} } ['UNBOUND_VARIABLE: reports_v = "true"; ] { if(forms_v == "true") {} } ['UNBOUND_VARIABLE: forms_v = "true"; ] { if(relnotes_v == "true") {} } ['UNBOUND_VARIABLE: relnotes_v = "true"; ] # Installer Version installer_version = ""; orainst_version = ""; # Version numbers for the Products in CDM area alllang_version = ""; brqry_version = ""; ca_version = ""; cdesql_version = ""; d2dh_version = ""; d2kdoc_version = ""; d2la_version = ""; d2lc_version = ""; d2ls_version = ""; d2oi_version = ""; d2sc_version = ""; d2tx_version = ""; de_version = ""; fapi_version = ""; faplet_version = ""; fcgi_version = ""; fdes_version = ""; fhl_version = ""; forms_version = ""; formsl_version = ""; fjava_version = ""; frun_version = ""; frunw_version = ""; fsql_version = ""; gcsql_version = ""; gcw_version = ""; gdes_version = ""; ge_version = ""; graph_version = ""; graphl_version = ""; grun_version = ""; gsql_version = ""; gui_version = ""; guil_version = ""; jdkav_version = ""; jinit_version = ""; lang_patch_version = ""; lang_version = ""; mm_version = ""; mmocx_version = ""; nn_version = ""; ob_version = ""; oca_version = ""; ocarun_version = ""; ocl_version = ""; og_version = ""; oin_version = ""; or_version = ""; orapi_version = ""; ordh_version = ""; ordoc_version = ""; orqt_version = ""; ot_version = ""; otm_version = ""; pb_version = ""; pbui_version = ""; pj_version = ""; pmrn_version = ""; qb_version = ""; rcgi_version = ""; rdes_version = ""; rdb_version = ""; relnotef_version = ""; repl_version = ""; report_version = ""; rmts_version = ""; ros_version = ""; rrun_version = ""; #rsf_version = ""; rsf_version = ""; rsql_version = ""; rss_version = ""; rtc_version = ""; sch_version = ""; sqlmgr_version = ""; ssf_version = ""; tk_version = ""; tul_version = ""; tutil_version = ""; uat_version = ""; ucol_version = ""; ut_version = ""; vgs_version = ""; xc_version = ""; xr_version = ""; xru_version = ""; xrul_version = ""; xs_version = ""; zrc_version = ""; # Define product descriptions. ntinstver_description = nls("ntinstver_description", "This product is written automatically to a Product Enumeration Script for the Installer to use for forward compatibility checking."); ntinstall_description = nls("ntinstall_description", "Oracle Installer enables you to install, update, and remove Oracle products."); ssf80_description = nls("ssf80_description", "System Support files is a collection of files needed by different Oracle products to support OLE2 and Visual Basic."); cdesql60_description = nls("cdesql_description", "Created Program Items for managing all the schemas for Oracle's Oracle Forms, Reports etc."); d2la_description = nls("d2la_description", "This product is the load balancer A"); d2lc_description = nls("d2lc_description", "This product is the load balancer Client"); d2ls_description = nls("d2ls_description", "This product is the load balancer Server"); tutil60_description = nls("tuti60l_description", "TheTools Utilities product is a collectionof files and libraries needed for Oracle bitmapped applications in the Windows environment."); gui60_description = nls("gui60_description", "The GUI Common Files product is a collection of files needes for Oracle products in the Windows environment."); ot60_description = nls("ot60_description", "Oracle Terminal is a terminal file editory, designed to simplify creating and editing ternimal information."); otm60_description = nls("otm60_description", "Oracle Translation Builder is a translation tool, designed to provide an efficient, cost-effective way totranslate components of a Oracle Forms/Reports application from the original language to additional languages"); brqry60_description = nls("brqry60_description", "Query Builder component"); qb60_description = nls("qb60_description", "Oracle Query Builder"); sch60_description = nls("sch60_description", "Oracle Schema Builder"); forms60_description = nls("forms60_description", "This is the main Oracle Forms package. Selecting this item will install the entire Oracle Forms package, including all the components."); fdes60_description = nls("fdes60_description", "Form Builder allows you to create advanced forms-based applications with sophisticated graphical user interfaces for accessing and manipulating data."); frun60_description = nls("frun60_description", "Forms Runtime allows you to run advanced forms-based applications created with the Forms Designer."); fapi60_description = nls("fapi60_description", "Forms API"); fcgi60_description = nls("fcgi60_description", "This is the main Oracle Forms Web CGI and Cartridge component."); faplet60_description = nls("faplet60_description", "This is the main Oracle Forms Applet Jar Files" ); fcsnd60_description = nls("fcsnd60_description", "Forms Cue Card Sound Files. To take advantage of the complete features of Cue Cards, you should have Microsoft Video installed."); frunw60_description = nls("fruw60_description", "This is the main Oracle Forms Server"); fsql60_description = nls("fsql60_description", "Creates Program Items for managing the Oracle Forms database schema. This schema allows you to store Oracle Forms modules to a database."); fjava60_description = nls("fjava60_description", "Forms Java Class Support Files are a collection of Java files and libraries needed for Oracle Web enable products in the Windows NT environment"); report60_description = nls("report60_description", "This is the main Oracle Reports package. Selecting thsi item will install the entire Oracle Reports package, including all the components."); rdes60_description = nls("rdes60_description", "Report Builder is a graphical development tool for creating reports-based applications"); rtc60_description = nls("rtc60_description", "Reports Thin Client contains Reports client side components including Web CGI/Cartridge, command line interface, queue manager and OCX."); rrun60_description = nls("rrun60_description", "Report Runtime allows you to run reports created with the Reports Designer."); recsnd60_description = nls("recsnd60_description", "Reports Cue Card Sound Files. To take advantage of the complete features of Cue Cards, you should have Microsoft Video installed."); rsql60_description = nls("rsql60_description", "Creates Program Items for managing the Oracle Reports database schema. This schema allows you to store Oracle Reports modules to a database."); orapi60_description = nls("orapi60_description", "Oracle Reports API"); rmts60_description = nls("rmts60_description", "Oracle Reports Server"); rss60_description = nls("rss60_description", "Reports Server Security Packages"); rcgi60_description = nls("rcgi60_description", "Reports Web CGI and Cartridge."); graph60_description = nls("graph60_description", "This is the main Oracle Graphics package. Selecting this item will install the entire Oracle Graphics package."); ge60_description = nls("ge60_description", "Graphics Chart Wizard"); gdes60_description = nls("gdes60_description", "Graphics Builder is a powergul development tool for building graphical front-ends, executive information systems, and interactive decision support sytems."); grun60_description = nls("grun60_description", "Graphics Runtime allows you to run display created with the Graphics Designer."); gcw60_description = nls("gcw60_description", "This is Graphics Web Server"); gcsnd60_description = nls("gcsnd60_description", "Graphics Cue Card Sound Files. To take advantae of the complete features of Cue Cards, you should have Microsoft Video installed."); gsql60_description = nls("gsql60_description", "Creates Program Items for managing the Oracle Graphics database schema. This schmea allows you to store Oracle Graphics modules to a database."); pb60_description = nls("pb60_description", "This is the main Oracle Procedure Builder Package. Selecting this item will install the entire Oracle Procedure Builder Package, including all the components."); pbui60_description = nls("pbui60_description", "Oracle Procedure Builder allows you to create and debug PL/SQL procedures for use in any of the Oracle Tools."); pbcsnd60_description = nls("pbcsnd60_description", "Procedure Builder Cue Card Sound Files. To take advantage of the complete features of Cue Card, you should have Microsoft Video installed."); oca60_description = nls("oca60_description", "The Oracle Open Client Adapter for ODBC allows users of Oracle tools to transparently access ODBC compliant databases."); ocarun60_description = nls("ocarun60_description", "The Open Client Adapter runtime for application deployment against ODBC data sources."); ocades60_description = nls("ocades60_description", "The Open Client Adapter For application development against ODBC data sources."); d2oi60_description = nls("d2oi60_description", "Oracle Open Interfaces."); d2scp60_description = nls("d2scp60_description", "PVCS Interface."); d2sscs60_description = nls("d2sscs60_description", "ClearCase Interface." ); d2tx60_description = nls("d2tx60_description", "Tuxedo Interface." ); intsol60_description = nls("intsol60_description", "Selecting INTERSOLV DataDirect Drivers gives you a choice of drivers for installation that allow Oracle applications to access various databases via Open Client Adapter (OCA)."); rdb60_description = nls("rdb60_description", "The Oracle ODBC Driver for Rdb allows ODBC applications to access Oracle Rdb databases." ); pj60_description = nls("pj60_description", "Oracle Project Builder" ); oin60_description = nls("oin60_description", "Oracle Information Navigator."); ocx60_description = nls("ocx60_description", "Oracle OCX Pack."); devdem60_description = nls("devdem60_description", "Oracle Benefits and Features Demos."); relnotef60_description = nls("relnotef60_description", "Oracle Forms Release notes."); relnoter60_description = nls("relnoter60_description", "Oracle Reports Release notes."); d2dh60_description = nls("d2dh60_description", "Oracle Forms Documentation."); d2kqt60_description = nls("d2kqt60_description", "Oracle Forms Quick Tour."); d2kdoc60_description = nls("d2kdoc60_description", "Oracle Forms Online Documentation."); fhl60_description = nls("fhl60_description", "Oracle Forms Documentation - Language Supplement Files."); fdl60_description = nls("fdl60_description", "Oracle Forms Online Documentation - Language Supplement Files."); fql60_description = nls("fql60_description", "Oracle Forms Quick Tour - Language Supplement Files."); rhl60_description = nls("rhl60_description", "Oracle Reports Documentation - Language Supplement Files."); rdl60_description = nls("rdl60_description", "Oracle Reports Online Documentation - Language Supplement Files."); rql60_description = nls("rql60_description", "Oracle Reports Quick Tour - Language Supplement Files."); net80_description = nls("net80_description", "Net8 Products contains a set of products that enable client/server and server/server communication."); w32netclt80_description = nls("w32netclt80_description", "Net8 Client is the networking software that allows client/server communication."); adp80_description = nls("adp80_description", "Oracle Protocol Adapters enable SQL*Net to communicate over specific protocols or networks."); w32tcp80_description = nls("w32tcp80_description", "Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter contains a set of dynamic link libraries (DLLs) that enable communication over a network using a combination of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP)."); w32spx80_description = nls("w32spx80_description", "Oracle SPX Protocol Adapter contains a dynamic link library (DLL) that enables communication over a network using the Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX) network protocol."); w32nmp80_description = nls("w32nmp80_description", "Oracle Named Pipes Protocol Adapter enables communication over a Named Pipes network."); w32appc80_description = nls("w32appc80_description", "Oracle LU6.2 Protocol Adapter enables communication over an LU6.2 network."); ntnames80_description = nls("ntnames80_description", "Oracle Names Server is Oracle's transparent, protocol-independent naming software for storing network names, addresses, and other information."); ntcm80_description = nls("ntcm80_description", "Oracle Connection Manager (CMAN) provides three capabilities: Multiplexing or Concentration, Network Access Control (also known as firewall support), and Multi-Protocol Support."); w32net8a80_description = nls("w32net8a80_description", "Oracle Net8 Assistant is used for configuring and administering Oracle Net8."); w32plus80_description = nls("w32plus80_description", "SQL*Plus, the primary interface to Oracle databases, provides a powerful yet easy-to-use environment for querying, defining, and controlling data. SQL*Plus delivers a full implementation of Oracle SQL and PL/SQL, along with a rich set of extensions."); jsf803_description = nls("jsf803_description", "Assistant Common Files is a collection of files needed for Oracle Assistants in the 32-bit environment."); jdk11_description = nls("jdk11_description", "JDK Applet Viewer is required for Forms & Reports Server."); xr60_description = nls("xr60_description", "Oracle Reports Express Support." ); xru60_description = nls("xru60_description", "Oracle Reports Builder and Runtime Support"); xrb60_description = nls("xrb60_description", "Express Oracle8 External Procedures."); xc60_description = nls("xc60_description", "Oracle Express Connection Edition." ); xs60_description = nls("xs60_description", "Oracle SNAPI." ); guil60_description = nls("guil60_description", "Language Support files for GUI Common Files." ); tul60_description = nls("tul60_description", "Language Supplement files for Tools Utilities."); qbl60_description = nls("qbl60_description", "Language Supplement files for Query Builder."); brql60_description = nls("brql60_description", "Language Supplement files for Oracle Information Browser."); schl60_description = nls("schl60_description", "Langauge Supplement files for Schema Builder."); formsl60_description = nls("formsl60_description", "Language Supplement files for Forms."); repl60_description = nls("repl60_description", "Language Supplement files for Reports."); graphl60_description = nls("graphl60_description", "Language Supplement files for Graphics."); pbl60_description = nls("pbl60_description", "Language Supplement files for Procedure Builder."); ocal60_description = nls("ocal60_description", "Language Supplement files for Open Client Adapter."); scpl60_description = nls("scpl60_description", "Language Supplement files for PVCS Interface."); pjl60_descrription = nls("pjl60_description", "Language Supplement files for Project Builder."); oinl60_description = nls("oinl60_description", "Language Supplement files for OIN."); relnotesl60_description = nls("relnotesl60_description", "Language Supplement files for Release Notes."); jinit_description = nls("jinit_description", "This product is used for Java Development."); www21_description = nls("www21_description", "Oracle WebDB Listener"); w32jre11_description = nls("w32jre11_description", "Java(TM) Runtime Environment from Sun Microsystems Inc. is used for running Java-based applications."); w32Tracesvr_description = nls("w32Tracesvr_description", "Oracle Trace Collection Services is a general-purpose data collection product that captures data for specific software events."); w32Tracesvr80_description = nls("w32Tracesvr80_description", "Oracle Trace Collection Services is a general-purpose data collection product that captures data for specific software events."); w32rsf80_description = nls("w32rsf80_description", "Required Support Files are a collection of files and libraries needed by Oracle applications."); w32rsf73_description = nls("w32rsf73_description", "Required Support Files are a collection of files and libraries needed by Oracle applications."); ordh60_description = nls("ordh60_description", "Reports documentation");