/* Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1992. All Rights Reserved */ /***************************************************************************** NAME ssf60.vrf - V3 version analysis/product configuration script for System Support Files 2.0 for Oracle Forms/Reports Developer. DESCRIPTION This script checks dependencies and environment settings for the System Support Files 6.0 for Oracle Forms/Reports Developer. OWNER Amanda Harrison MODIFIED DD/MON/YY Reason aharriso 10/02/96 Updated to be in sync with R1.3.2 scripts aharriso 01/17/96 Updated for W95 - removed "yes/no" as certain files must be installed in order to launch products. aharriso 05/DEC/95 Added overwrite_mode function. rbansal 20/APR/95 Installer 3.1 compliant rbansal 07/APR/95 Modified to unregister "winmrf20" jewillia 09/FEB/95 Added MFC support and re-written rbansal 24/OCT/94 Created ******************************************************************************/ { /*********************************************************************** Set Installer variables according to the being used. ***********************************************************************/ dir_separator = "\"; prefix = operating_system; { {instver_product = evaluate("%prefix%instver"); } ['UNBOUND_VARIABLE: continue(); ] {orainst_product = evaluate("%prefix%install"); } ['UNBOUND_VARIABLE: continue(); ] /*RSF_PRODUCT = w32rsf80;*/ GUI_PRODUCT = w32gui60; } /************************************/ /************************************************************* Check if SSF is already installed and up to date. Check that the correct version of the Installer is being used *************************************************************/ reinstall_group = nls("reinstall_group","Version %%installed_version%% of %%product_label%% has already been installed and is up to date. Do you want to reinstall it?"); reinstall_group_help = nls("reinstall_group_help","You selected to install %%product_label%%, which is up to date. Unless a problem has occurred with %%product_label%%, there is no need to reinstall. Choose 'No' to skip the reinstallation, or choose 'Yes' if you want to reinstall %%product_label%%."); filename_list = explode(current_script,"\/"); /* allow unix and dos/os2 separators */ while (not(empty(filename_list))) { filename = first(filename_list); filename_list = rest(filename_list); } { doit = execute("%installer_home%%dir_separator%%operating_system%.vrf"); } [ 'UNBOUND_VARIABLE: { required_version = product_version(instver_product); temp = explode(required_version, "."); required_version = implode(list(first(temp),first(rest(temp)), first(rest(rest(temp))), first(rest(rest(rest(temp))))), "."); signal('FAILURE, instantiate(nls("instver_too_early1", "The version of the Installer currently running is %%installer_version%%. The installation you have chosen requires version %%required_version%% or later. Please run version %%required_version%% or later in order to perform this installation."))); } ] /* This FAILURE will cause 3.0.x.x installer to exit gracefully. */ if (doit) { /**************************************************************** Display the generic "Welcome to Oracle Developer" billboard if not already displayed, and if Developer release *****************************************************************/ if(exists("%installer_home%%dir_separator%d2bb_01.bmp")) { if(DEVELOPER2000_RELEASE) { if(not(DEV2K_BB01)) { DEV2K_BB01 = TRUE; ui_graphics("%installer_home%%dir_separator%d2bb_01.bmp"); } } } /****************************************************************/ /*************************** Installer 3.1 *****************************/ /* repl_groups = "shrdll"; */ /* END Installer 3.1 code */ if((not(doit)) && (member(selected_products, current_product))) ui_action(instantiate(halt_installation)); /*********************************************** Setup global variables (normally in user.avf) **********************************************/ display_product_label = "%%product_label%% %%display_version%%"; /****************** Bind OCA60 variable *******************/ OCA60 = "%oracle_home%%dir_separator%OCA60"; /*********************************************** Create a label with the product, version, and OS ************************************************/ current_version = product_version(current_product); version_list = explode(current_version,"."); msb_version_list = list(first(version_list), first(rest(version_list))); display_version = implode(msb_version_list,"."); /***********************************************/ /********************************************************************** NLS variables ***********************************************************************/ install_ole2 = nls("install_ole2","Installing Microsoft's OLE2 Support"); install_mfc = nls("install_mfc","Installing Microsoft's MFC Support"); install_vb = nls("install_vb","Installing Microsoft's Visual Basic Support"); install_special = nls("install_special","Installing Other Microsoft Support"); install_dei = nls("install_dei", "Installing %%product_label%% Installation Scripts..."); install_register = nls("install_register", "Registering %%product_label%%..."); install_odbc = nls("install_odbc", "Installing Microsoft's ODBC files and Other Microsoft Support files..."); halt_installation = nls("halt_installation", "Cancelled installation at user's request..."); describe_req_mfc = nls("describe_req_mfc","Some of the Oracle products you have selected for installation require files from Microsoft. Once installed these files can not be deleted by the Oracle Installer as they upgrade your windows installation."); describe_mfc = nls("describe_mfc","Some of the Oracle products you have selected for installation require files from Microsoft. Once installed these files can not be deleted by the Oracle Installer as they upgrade your windows installation. Do you want this installation to copy the Microsoft Re-Distributable Support files to your machine? "); describe_mfc_label = nls("describe_mfc_label","System Support Files"); describe_mfc_help = nls("describe_mfc_help","This installation will copy the files from the distribution media (%%media_loc%%) to your windows system directory (%%win_sys_loc%%). If older versions of these files exist in your windows system directory, they will be overwritten. The following is the list of the support files in question: MFCANS32.DLL MSVCRT2X.DLL OC30.DLL Microsoft ODBC Support: CTL3D32.DLL ODBC32.DLL ODBCINT.DLL "); /**********************************************************************/ } /*end 1st if(doit)*/ /********************************************************************** Main Logic ***********************************************************************/ win_sys_loc = windows_system_directory(); windir = windows_directory(); win_loc = windows_directory(); prod_loc = product_location(current_product); media_loc = "%product_home%%dir_separator%%prod_loc%"; spawn_dir = windows_directory(); /****************************************************************/ if (doit) /*leave here in case this goes back to yes/no dialog*/ { information_dialog(instantiate(describe_req_mfc), instantiate(describe_mfc_label), instantiate(describe_mfc_help)); if(member(selected_products, current_product) && (length(selected_products) == 1) && not(doit)) signal('CANCEL); /* if SSF is the only product selected for installation, CANCEL the installation */ } [ 'CANCEL: signal('FAILURE, instantiate(halt_installation)); ] { /********************************************************************** Set the VRF-INS script "ratchet" ***********************************************************************/ vrf_ratchet = ""; /********************************************************************** Initialize the total size of the files ***********************************************************************/ size_files = 0; /**************************************** Compute size of files to be installed *****************************************/ size_files = size_files + sum(special,special1); /*the "special" files will always be copied*/ overwrite_mode = 'UPDATE; /*Only add those files that will be copied*/ size_files = size_files + sum(dll,odbc1,odbc3); size_files = size_files + sum(odbc2, "%operating_system%"); /*********** Installer 3.1 ************ If shared installation, add shrdll size - NOT YET SUPPORTED FOR WIN32 ***************************************/ /******************************************************* Special (other) stuff (non-versionable, so copy all) ********************************************************/ overwrite_mode = 'ALWAYS; size_files = size_files + sum(deinst); return(size_files); /**********************************************************************/ } else { refresh_map_file = FALSE; return(0); } }