/* Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1992. All Rights Reserved */ /***************************************************************************** NAME ssf20.ins - V3 installation script for System Support Files for Dev/2000. DESCRIPTION This script installs System Support Files 2.0 for Oracle Forms/Reports Developer. OWNER Rajesh Bansal MODIFIED DD/MON/YY Reason pgupta 07/17/97 OCSM win32 bit compliant aharriso 05/DEC/95 Added overwrite_mode function. rbansal 20/APR/95 Installer 3.1 compliant jewillia 09/FEB/95 Added MFC support and re-written rbansal 24/OCT/94 Created. ******************************************************************************/ { filename_list = explode(current_script,"\/"); /* allow unix and dos/os2 seperators */ while (not(empty(filename_list))) { filename = first(filename_list); filename_list = rest(filename_list); } if (doit) { ui_product(instantiate(display_product_label)); /***************************** Set the VRF-INS script ratchet ******************************/ ins_ratchet = ""; execute("%installer_home%%dir_separator%%operating_system%.ins"); permit_retry_operations = TRUE; permit_ignore_operations = TRUE; permit_process_operations= TRUE; ui_product(instantiate(display_product_label)); /******************* Copy deinstall files ********************/ ui_action(instantiate(install_files)); copy(deinst); overwrite_mode = 'ALWAYS; /******************************** Install MSVCRT2X.DLL - overwrite any existing version ********************************/ ui_action(instantiate(install_mfc)); copy(special); copy(special1); wininit = "%windir%\wininit.ini"; rename_group = "rename"; copy_msft_dlls = true; /******************************************** Install files - if they are newer than those already installed ********************************************/ ui_action(instantiate(install_mfc)); copy(dll); /******************************************** Check if MFC40.DLL is present, if so, check if the version installed is lower than the DLL which is being shipped. If yes, copy the MFC40.NEW to MFC40.DLL. ********************************************/ mfc40 = "%win_sys_loc%\mfc40.dll"; mfc40new = "%win_sys_loc%\mfc40.new"; mfc40old = "%win_sys_loc%\mfc40.old"; if (not(exists(mfc40))) { { move_file(mfc40new, mfc40); } [ 'DEFAULT: copy_file(mfc40new, mfc40); ] } else { { version_no = windows_file_version(mfc40); } [ 'OS_ERROR: version_no = ""; ] { version_new = windows_file_version(mfc40new); } [ 'OS_ERROR: version_new = ""; ] if (earlier_version(version_no, version_new)) { { move_file(mfc40, mfc40old); move_file(mfc40new, mfc40); } [ 'DEFAULT: { if (platform() == "nt") copy_file(mfc40new, mfc40); else { copy_msft_dlls = false; modify(mfc40old,mfc40,wininit,rename_group); modify(mfc40,mfc40new,wininit,rename_group); } } ] } else { { remove_file(mfc40new); } [ 'DEFAULT: continue(); ] } } /******************************************** Check if MFC40U.DLL is present, if so, check if the version installed is lower than the DLL which is being shipped. If yes, copy the MFC40U.NEW to MFC40U.DLL. ********************************************/ mfc40u = "%win_sys_loc%\mfc40u.dll"; mfc40unew = "%win_sys_loc%\mfc40u.new"; mfc40uold = "%win_sys_loc%\mfc40u.old"; if (not(exists(mfc40u))) { { move_file(mfc40unew, mfc40u); } [ 'DEFAULT: copy_file(mfc40unew, mfc40u); ] } else { { version_no = windows_file_version(mfc40u); } [ 'OS_ERROR: version_no = ""; ] { version_new = windows_file_version(mfc40unew); } [ 'OS_ERROR: version_new = ""; ] if (earlier_version(version_no, version_new)) { { move_file(mfc40u, mfc40uold); move_file(mfc40unew, mfcu40); } [ 'DEFAULT: { if (platform() == "nt") copy_file(mfc40unew, mfc40u); else { copy_msft_dlls = false; modify(mfc40uold,mfc40u,wininit,rename_group); modify(mfc40u,mfc40unew,wininit,rename_group); } } ] } else { { remove_file(mfc40unew); } [ 'DEFAULT: continue(); ] } } /******************************************** Check if MFC42U.DLL is present, if so, check if the version installed is lower than the DLL which is being shipped. If yes, copy the MFC42U.NEW to MFC4U.DLL. ********************************************/ mfc42u = "%win_sys_loc%\mfc42u.dll"; mfc42unew = "%win_sys_loc%\mfc42u.new"; mfc42uold = "%win_sys_loc%\mfc42u.old"; if (not(exists(mfc42u))) { { move_file(mfc42unew, mfc42u); } [ 'DEFAULT: copy_file(mfc42unew, mfc42u); ] } else { { version_no = windows_file_version(mfc42u); } [ 'OS_ERROR: version_no = ""; ] { version_new = windows_file_version(mfc42unew); } [ 'OS_ERROR: version_new = ""; ] if (earlier_version(version_no, version_new)) { { move_file(mfc42u, mfc42uold); move_file(mfc42unew, mfc42u); } [ 'DEFAULT: { if (platform() == "nt") copy_file(mfc42unew, mfc42u); else { copy_msft_dlls = false; modify(mfc42uold,mfc42u,wininit,rename_group); modify(mfc42u,mfc42unew,wininit,rename_group); } } ] } else { { remove_file(mfc42unew); } [ 'DEFAULT: continue(); ] } } overwrite_mode = 'UPDATE; ui_action(instantiate(install_mfc)); copy(dll_rest); /****************** Install ODBC support *******************/ ui_action(instantiate(install_files)); copy(odbc1); copy(odbc3); {copy(odbc2,"%operating_system%");} ['WRITE_ERROR: continue();] /*the current NT installer is using ctl3d32.dll which is in this odbc2 group. This is causing write errors in .ins*/ copy(shrdll,"%operating_system%"); /************************************************************ Delete the Old Program Group if present and Install the new Program Group *************************************************************/ /* if(exists("%ORACLE_HOME%/bin/ifrun60.exe")) {*/ D2K60_GROUP = D2K60_GROUP_OLD; windows_delete_icons(d2l_old); D2K60_GROUP = D2K60_GROUP_NEW; /* } */ /************************************************************/ /*************************************************************** Registering map variables except Installer_home and oracle_home ****************************************************************/ win32_register_map_variable("WIN_SYS_LOC"); win32_register_map_variable("OCA60"); win32_register_map_variable("WINDOWS_SYS_DIR"); /********************************* Register and Reference the product **********************************/ ui_product(instantiate(display_product_label)); ui_action( instantiate(install_register) ); register(current_product); reference(current_product); /*********************************/ remove(delold); permit_retry_operations = FALSE; } [ 'UNREGISTERED_PRODUCT: continue(); 'CANCEL: signal('FAILURE, instantiate(halt_installation)); ] overwrite_mode = 'ALWAYS; }