-- -- Copyright (c) 1997 by Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved. -- load data infile * preserve blanks into table help append fields terminated by '^' TRAILING NULLCOLS ( topic, seq, info ) BEGINDATA ACCEPT^1^ ACCEPT^2^ ACCEPT ACCEPT^3^ ------ ACCEPT^4^ ACCEPT^5^ ACCEPT reads a line of input and stores it in a given user variable. ACCEPT^6^ ACCEPT^7^ ACC[EPT] variable [NUM[BER]|CHAR|DATE] [FOR[MAT] format] ACCEPT^8^ [DEF[AULT] default] [PROMPT text|NOPR[OMPT]] [HIDE] ACCEPT^9^ ACCEPT^10^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's ACCEPT^11^ Guide and Reference. ACCEPT^12^ APPEND^1^ APPEND^2^ APPEND APPEND^3^ ------ APPEND^4^ APPEND^5^ Use APPEND to add text to the end of the current line in the SQL APPEND^6^ buffer. APPEND^7^ APPEND^8^ A[PPEND] text APPEND^9^ APPEND^10^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's APPEND^11^ Guide and Reference. APPEND^12^ @^1^ @^2^ @ ("at" sign) @^3^ ------------- @^4^ @^5^ Runs the specified command file. @^6^ @^7^ @ file_name[.ext] [arg...] @^8^ @^9^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's @^10^ Guide and Reference. @^11^ @@^1^ @@^2^ @@ (double "at" sign) @@^3^ --------------------- @@^4^ @@^5^ Runs a nested command file. This command is identical to the @ @@^6^ command except that it looks for the specified command file in the @@^7^ same path as the command file from which it was called. @@^8^ @@^9^ @@ file_name[.ext] @@^10^ @@^11^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's @@^12^ Guide and Reference. @@^13^ ATTRIBUTE^1^ ATTRIBUTE^2^ ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE^3^ --------- ATTRIBUTE^4^ ATTRIBUTE^5^ ATTRIBUTE specifies display characteristics for a given attribute of ATTRIBUTE^6^ an Object Type column, such as format for NUMBER data. ATTRIBUTE^7^ ATTRIBUTE^8^ Also lists the current display characteristics for a single ATTRIBUTE^9^ attribute or all attributes. ATTRIBUTE^10^ ATTRIBUTE^11^ ATTRIBUTE [type_name.attribute_name [option... ]] ATTRIBUTE^12^ where option represents one of the following terms or clauses: ATTRIBUTE^13^ ATTRIBUTE^14^ ALI[AS] ATTRIBUTE^15^ CLE[AR] ATTRIBUTE^16^ FOR[MAT] ATTRIBUTE^17^ LIKE ATTRIBUTE^18^ ON|OFF ATTRIBUTE^19^ ATTRIBUTE^20^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's ATTRIBUTE^21^ Guide and Reference. ATTRIBUTE^22^ BREAK^1^ BREAK^2^ BREAK BREAK^3^ ----- BREAK^4^ BREAK^5^ BREAK specifies where and how to make format changes to a report. BREAK^6^ BREAK^7^ BRE[AK] [ON report_element [action [action]]] ... BREAK^8^ BREAK^9^ where report_element and action require the following syntax: BREAK^10^ report_element: {column | expression | ROW | REPORT} BREAK^11^ action: [SKI[P] n|[SKI[P]] PAGE] [NODUP[LICATES] | BREAK^12^ DUP[LICATES]] BREAK^13^ BREAK^14^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's BREAK^15^ Guide and Reference. BREAK^16^ BTITLE^1^ BTITLE^2^ BTITLE BTITLE^3^ ------ BTITLE^4^ BTITLE^5^ BTITLE places and formats a title at the bottom of each report page, BTITLE^6^ or lists the current BTITLE definition. BTITLE^7^ BTITLE^8^ BTI[TLE] [printspec [text | variable] ...] | [OFF|ON] BTITLE^9^ BTITLE^10^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's BTITLE^11^ Guide and Reference. BTITLE^12^ CHANGE^1^ CHANGE^2^ CHANGE CHANGE^3^ ------ CHANGE^4^ CHANGE^5^ Use CHANGE to replace the first occurrence of the specified text on CHANGE^6^ the current line of the buffer with the new specified text. CHANGE^7^ CHANGE^8^ C[HANGE] sepchar old [sepchar [new[sepchar]]] CHANGE^9^ CHANGE^10^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's CHANGE^11^ Guide and Reference. CHANGE^12^ CLEAR^1^ CLEAR^2^ CLEAR CLEAR^3^ ----- CLEAR^4^ CLEAR^5^ CLEAR resets or erases the current value or setting for the option, CLEAR^6^ CLEAR^7^ CL[EAR] option ... CLEAR^8^ CLEAR^9^ where option is one of the following clauses: CLEAR^10^ CLEAR^11^ BRE[AKS] CLEAR^12^ BUFF[ER] CLEAR^13^ COL[UMNS] CLEAR^14^ COMP[UTES] CLEAR^15^ SCR[EEN] CLEAR^16^ SQL CLEAR^17^ TIMI[NG] CLEAR^18^ CLEAR^19^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's CLEAR^20^ Guide and Reference. CLEAR^21^ COLUMN^1^ COLUMN^2^ COLUMN COLUMN^3^ ------ COLUMN^4^ COLUMN^5^ COLUMN sets display attributes for a given column, such as: COLUMN^6^ COLUMN^7^ - text for the column heading COLUMN^8^ - alignment of the column heading COLUMN^9^ - format for NUMBER data COLUMN^10^ - wrapping of column data COLUMN^11^ COLUMN^12^ COL[UMN] [{column | expr} [option...] ] COLUMN^13^ COLUMN^14^ where option is one of the following: COLUMN^15^ COLUMN^16^ ALI[AS] alias COLUMN^17^ CLE[AR] | DEF[AULT] COLUMN^18^ FOLD_A[FTER] n COLUMN^19^ FOLD_B[EFORE] n COLUMN^20^ FOR[MAT] format COLUMN^21^ HEA[DING] text COLUMN^22^ JUS[TIFY] {L[EFT] | C[ENTER] | C[ENTRE] | R[IGHT]} COLUMN^23^ LIKE {expr | alias} COLUMN^24^ NEWL[INE] COLUMN^25^ NEW_V[ALUE] variable COLUMN^26^ NOPRI[NT] | PRI[NT] COLUMN^27^ NUL[L] text COLUMN^28^ OLD_V[ALUE] variable COLUMN^29^ ON|OFF COLUMN^30^ WRA[PPED] | WOR[D_WRAPPED] | TRU[NCATED] COLUMN^31^ COLUMN^32^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's COLUMN^33^ Guide and Reference. COLUMN^34^ COMPUTE^1^ COMPUTE^2^ COMPUTE COMPUTE^3^ ------- COMPUTE^4^ COMPUTE^5^ COMPUTE calculates and prints summary lines, using various standard COMPUTE^6^ computations, on subsets of selected rows. It also lists all COMPUTE^7^ COMPUTE definitions. COMPUTE^8^ COMPUTE^9^ COMP[UTE] [function [LAB[EL] text] ... COMPUTE^10^ OF {quoted_select_expr|column|alias} ... COMPUTE^11^ ON {quoted_select_expr|column|alias|REPORT|ROW} ...] COMPUTE^12^ COMPUTE^13^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's COMPUTE^14^ Guide and Reference. COMPUTE^15^ CONNECT^1^ CONNECT^2^ CONNECT CONNECT^3^ ------- CONNECT^4^ CONNECT^5^ CONNECT establishes a connection to an Oracle database. CONNECT^6^ CONNECT^7^ CONN[ECT] username[/password][@database_specification]|/ CONNECT^8^ CONNECT^9^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's CONNECT^10^ Guide and Reference. CONNECT^11^ COPY^1^ COPY^2^ COPY COPY^3^ ---- COPY^4^ COPY^5^ COPY copies data from a query to a table in a local or remote COPY^6^ database. COPY^7^ COPY^8^ COPY [FROM username [/password] [@database_specification]| COPY^9^ TO username [/password] [@database_specification]] COPY^10^ {APPEND|CREATE|INSERT|REPLACE} destination_table COPY^11^ [(column, column, column, ...)] USING query COPY^12^ COPY^13^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's COPY^14^ Guide and Reference. COPY^15^ DBA^1^ DBA^2^ DBA DBA^3^ --- DBA^4^ DBA^5^ DBA username SYSTEM owns and has all privileges on DBA^6^ PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE. DBA^7^ Other users should have only SELECT access to this table. Command DBA^8^ file PUPBLD, when run, grants SELECT access on PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE DBA^9^ to PUBLIC. DBA^10^ DBA^11^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's DBA^12^ Guide and Reference. DBA^13^ DEFINE^1^ DEFINE^2^ DEFINE DEFINE^3^ ------ DEFINE^4^ DEFINE^5^ DEFINE specifies a user variable and assigns it a CHAR value, or DEFINE^6^ lists the value and variable type of a single variable or all DEFINE^7^ variables. DEFINE^8^ DEFINE^9^ DEF[INE] [variable]|[variable = text] DEFINE^10^ DEFINE^11^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's DEFINE^12^ Guide and Reference. DEFINE^13^ DEL^1^ DEL^2^ DEL DEL^3^ --- DEL^4^ DEL^5^ DEL deletes one or more lines of the buffer. DEL makes the DEL^6^ following line of the buffer (if any) the current line. You can DEL^7^ enter DEL several times to delete several consecutive lines. DEL^8^ DEL^9^ DEL [n|n m|n *|n LAST|*|* n|* LAST|LAST] DEL^10^ DEL^11^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's DEL^12^ Guide and Reference. DEL^13^ DESCRIBE^1^ DESCRIBE^2^ DESCRIBE DESCRIBE^3^ -------- DESCRIBE^4^ DESCRIBE^5^ DESCRIBE lists the column definitions for a table, view, or synonym, DESCRIBE^6^ or the specifications for a function or procedure. DESCRIBE^7^ DESCRIBE^8^ DESC[RIBE] [schema.]object[@database_link_name] DESCRIBE^9^ DESCRIBE^10^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's DESCRIBE^11^ Guide and Reference. DESCRIBE^12^ DISCONNECT^1^ DISCONNECT^2^ DISCONNECT DISCONNECT^3^ ---------- DISCONNECT^4^ DISCONNECT^5^ DISCONNECT commits pending changes to the database and logs the DISCONNECT^6^ current user out of Oracle, but does not exit SQL*Plus. Use EXIT or DISCONNECT^7^ QUIT to log out of Oracle and return control to your host computer's DISCONNECT^8^ operating system. DISCONNECT^9^ DISCONNECT^10^ DISC[ONNECT] DISCONNECT^11^ DISCONNECT^12^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's DISCONNECT^13^ Guide and Reference. DISCONNECT^14^ EDIT^1^ EDIT^2^ EDIT EDIT^3^ ---- EDIT^4^ EDIT^5^ EDIT invokes a host operating system text editor on the contents of EDIT^6^ the specified file or on the contents of the buffer. EDIT^7^ EDIT^8^ ED[IT] [file_name[.ext]] EDIT^9^ EDIT^10^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's EDIT^11^ Guide and Reference. EDIT^12^ EXECUTE^1^ EXECUTE^2^ EXECUTE EXECUTE^3^ ------- EXECUTE^4^ EXECUTE^5^ EXECUTE executes a single PL/SQL statement. The EXECUTE command is EXECUTE^6^ often useful when you want to execute a PL/SQL statement that EXECUTE^7^ references a stored procedure. EXECUTE^8^ EXECUTE^9^ EXEC[UTE] statement EXECUTE^10^ EXECUTE^11^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's EXECUTE^12^ Guide and Reference. EXECUTE^13^ EXIT^1^ EXIT^2^ EXIT EXIT^3^ ---- EXIT^4^ EXIT^5^ EXIT terminates SQL*Plus, and returns control to the operating EXIT^6^ system. EXIT^7^ EXIT^8^ {EXIT|QUIT} [SUCCESS|FAILURE|WARNING|n|variable|:BindVariable] EXIT^9^ [COMMIT|ROLLBACK] EXIT^10^ EXIT^11^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's EXIT^12^ Guide and Reference. EXIT^13^ GET^1^ GET^2^ GET GET^3^ --- GET^4^ GET^5^ GET loads a host operating system file into the SQL buffer. GET^6^ GET^7^ GET file_name[.ext] [LIS[T]|NOL[IST]] GET^8^ GET^9^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's GET^10^ Guide and Reference. GET^11^ HELP^1^ HELP^2^ HELP HELP^3^ ---- HELP^4^ HELP^5^ HELP displays information on the commands and conventions of HELP^6^ SQL*Plus, SQL, and PL/SQL. Type "help", a space, all or part of any HELP^7^ topic, and then press Enter. HELP^8^ HELP^9^ HELP [topic] | help HELP^10^ HELP^11^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's HELP^12^ Guide and Reference. HELP^13^ HOST^1^ HOST^2^ HOST HOST^3^ ---- HOST^4^ HOST^5^ HOST executes a host operating system command without leaving HOST^6^ SQL*Plus. HOST^7^ HOST^8^ HO[ST] [ command ] HOST^9^ HOST^10^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's HOST^11^ Guide and Reference. HOST^12^ INDEX^1^ INDEX^2^ Use the HELP TOPIC command for a list of help topics. INDEX^3^ INPUT^1^ INPUT^2^ INPUT INPUT^3^ ----- INPUT^4^ INPUT^5^ INPUT adds one or more lines of text after the current line in the INPUT^6^ buffer. INPUT^7^ INPUT^8^ I[NPUT] [ text ] INPUT^9^ INPUT^10^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's INPUT^11^ Guide and Reference. INPUT^12^ LIST^1^ LIST^2^ LIST LIST^3^ ---- LIST^4^ LIST^5^ LIST displays one or more lines of the SQL buffer. Enter LIST by LIST^6^ itself to list all lines. LIST^7^ LIST^8^ Clause Lists LIST^9^ ----------------------------------------- LIST^10^ n line n. LIST^11^ n m lines n through m. LIST^12^ n * line n through the current line. LIST^13^ n LAST line n through the last line. LIST^14^ * the current line. LIST^15^ * n the current line through line n. LIST^16^ * LAST the current line through the last line. LIST^17^ LAST the last line. LIST^18^ LIST^19^ The last line listed is the new current line (with an asterisk). LIST^20^ LIST^21^ L[IST] [n|n m|n *|n LAST|*|* n|* LAST|LAST] LIST^22^ LIST^23^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's LIST^24^ Guide and Reference. LIST^25^ MENU^1^ MENU^2^ Menu MENU^3^ ---- MENU^4^ MENU^5^ Enter TOPIC for a list of help topics. MENU^6^ MENU^7^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's MENU^8^ Guide and Reference. MENU^9^ PASSWORD^1^ PASSWORD^2^ PASSWORD PASSWORD^3^ -------- PASSWORD^4^ PASSWORD^5^ PASSWORD allows you to change passwords without echoing the password PASSWORD^6^ on an input device. PASSWORD^7^ PASSWORD^8^ PASSW[ORD] [username] PASSWORD^9^ PASSWORD^10^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's PASSWORD^11^ Guide and Reference. PASSWORD^12^ PAUSE^1^ PAUSE^2^ PAUSE PAUSE^3^ ----- PAUSE^4^ PAUSE^5^ PAUSE displays an empty line followed by a line with text, then PAUSE^6^ waits for the user to press RETURN. Or it displays two empty lines, PAUSE^7^ and waits for the user's response. PAUSE^8^ PAUSE^9^ PAU[SE] [text] PAUSE^10^ PAUSE^11^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's PAUSE^12^ Guide and Reference. PAUSE^13^ PRINT^1^ PRINT^2^ PRINT PRINT^3^ ----- PRINT^4^ PRINT^5^ PRINT displays the current values of bind variables. PRINT^6^ PRINT^7^ PRI[NT] [variable ...] PRINT^8^ PRINT^9^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's PRINT^10^ Guide and Reference. PRINT^11^ PROMPT^1^ PROMPT^2^ PROMPT PROMPT^3^ ------ PROMPT^4^ PROMPT^5^ PROMPT sends the specified message or a blank line to the user's PROMPT^6^ screen. PROMPT^7^ PROMPT^8^ PROMPT [text] PROMPT^9^ PROMPT^10^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's PROMPT^11^ Guide and Reference. PROMPT^12^ QUIT^1^ QUIT^2^ QUIT QUIT^3^ ---- QUIT^4^ QUIT^5^ QUIT commits all pending database changes, leaves SQL*Plus, and QUIT^6^ returns control to the operating system. QUIT^7^ QUIT^8^ {QUIT|EXIT} [SUCCESS|FAILURE|WARNING|n|variable|:BindVariable] QUIT^9^ [COMMIT|ROLLBACK] QUIT^10^ QUIT^11^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's QUIT^12^ Guide and Reference. QUIT^13^ REMARK^1^ REMARK^2^ REMARK REMARK^3^ ------ REMARK^4^ REMARK^5^ REMARK at the beginning of a line signifies a comment in a command REMARK^6^ file. REMARK^7^ REMARK^8^ The comment ends at the end of the line. A line cannot contain both REMARK^9^ a comment and a command. See /* for information on entering REMARK^10^ comments in statements. REMARK^11^ REMARK^12^ REM[ARK] REMARK^13^ REMARK^14^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's REMARK^15^ Guide and Reference. REMARK^16^ REPFOOTER^1^ REPFOOTER^2^ REPFOOTER REPFOOTER^3^ --------- REPFOOTER^4^ REPFOOTER^5^ Places and formats a footer at the bottom of a report, or lists the REPFOOTER^6^ REPFOOTER definition. REPFOOTER^7^ REPFOOTER^8^ REPF[OOTER] [PAGE] [printspec [text|variable] ...] | [OFF|ON] REPFOOTER^9^ REPFOOTER^10^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's REPFOOTER^11^ Guide and Reference. REPFOOTER^12^ REPHEADER^1^ REPHEADER^2^ REPHEADER REPHEADER^3^ --------- REPHEADER^4^ REPHEADER^5^ Places and formats a header at the top of a report, or lists the REPHEADER^6^ REPHEADER definition. REPHEADER^7^ REPHEADER^8^ REPH[EADER] [PAGE] [printspec [text|variable] ...] | [OFF|ON] REPHEADER^9^ REPHEADER^10^ where printspec is one or more of the clauses: REPHEADER^11^ REPHEADER^12^ COL n LE[FT] BOLD REPHEADER^13^ S[KIP] [n] CE[NTER] FORMAT text REPHEADER^14^ TAB n R[IGHT] REPHEADER^15^ REPHEADER^16^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's REPHEADER^17^ Guide and Reference. REPHEADER^18^ RESERVED WORDS^1^ RESERVED WORDS^2^ Reserved Words RESERVED WORDS^3^ -------------- RESERVED WORDS^4^ RESERVED WORDS^5^ The following words have special meaning in SQL and PL/SQL, and may RESERVED WORDS^6^ not be used for identifier names (unless enclosed in "quotes"): RESERVED WORDS^7^ RESERVED WORDS^8^ ABORT AUDIT CLUSTERS DATA_BASE DISPOSE RESERVED WORDS^9^ ACCEPT AUTHORIZATION COLAUTH DATE DISTINCT RESERVED WORDS^10^ ACCESS AVG COLUMN DBA DO RESERVED WORDS^11^ ADD BEGIN COMMENT DEBUGOFF DROP RESERVED WORDS^12^ ALL BETWEEN COMMIT DEBUGON ELSE RESERVED WORDS^13^ ALTER BODY COMPRESS DECIMAL ELSIF RESERVED WORDS^14^ AND BOOLEAN CONNECT DECLARE END RESERVED WORDS^15^ ANY BY CONSTANT DEFAULT ENTRY RESERVED WORDS^16^ ARRAY CASE COUNT DEFINITION EXCEPTION RESERVED WORDS^17^ AS CHAR CRASH DELAY EXCEPTION_INIT RESERVED WORDS^18^ ASC CHAR_BASE CREATE DELETE EXCLUSIVE RESERVED WORDS^19^ ASSERT CHECK CURRENT DELTA EXISTS RESERVED WORDS^20^ ASSIGN CLOSE CURSOR DESC EXIT RESERVED WORDS^21^ AT CLUSTER DATABASE DIGITS FALSE RESERVED WORDS^22^ RESERVED WORDS^23^ FETCH IF LIKE NOCOMPRESS OTHERS RESERVED WORDS^24^ FILE IMMEDIATE LIMITED NOT OUT RESERVED WORDS^25^ FLOAT IN LOCK NOWAIT PACKAGE RESERVED WORDS^26^ FOR INCREMENT LONG NULL PARTITION RESERVED WORDS^27^ FORM INDEX LOOP NUMBER PCTFREE RESERVED WORDS^28^ FROM INDEXES MAX NUMBER_BASE PRAGMA RESERVED WORDS^29^ FUNCTION INDICATOR MAXEXTENTS OF PRIOR RESERVED WORDS^30^ GENERIC INITIAL MIN OFFLINE PRIVATE RESERVED WORDS^31^ GOTO INSERT MINUS ON PRIVILEGES RESERVED WORDS^32^ GRANT INTEGER MOD ONLINE PROCEDURE RESERVED WORDS^33^ GRAPHIC INTERSECT MODE OPEN PUBLIC RESERVED WORDS^34^ GROUP INTO MODIFY OPTION RAISE RESERVED WORDS^35^ HAVING IS NEW OR RANGE RESERVED WORDS^36^ IDENTIFIED LEVEL NOAUDIT ORDER RAW RESERVED WORDS^37^ RESERVED WORDS^38^ RECORD ROWTYPE SQLERRM THEN VARGRAPH RESERVED WORDS^39^ RELEASE RUN START TO VARIANCE RESERVED WORDS^40^ REM SAVEPOINT STATEMENT TRIGGER VIEW RESERVED WORDS^41^ REMARK SCHEMA STDDEV TRUE VIEWS RESERVED WORDS^42^ RENAME SELECT SUBTYPE TYPE WHEN RESERVED WORDS^43^ RESOURCE SEPARATE SUCCESSFUL UID WHENEVER RESERVED WORDS^44^ RETURN SESSION SUM UNION WHERE RESERVED WORDS^45^ REVERSE SET SYNONYM UNIQUE WHILE RESERVED WORDS^46^ REVOKE SHARE SYSDATE UPDATE WITH RESERVED WORDS^47^ ROLLBACK SIZE TABAUTH USE WORK RESERVED WORDS^48^ ROW SMALLINT TABLE USER XOR RESERVED WORDS^49^ ROWID SPACE TABLES VALIDATE RESERVED WORDS^50^ ROWNUM SQL TASK VALUES RESERVED WORDS^51^ ROWS SQLCODE TERMINATE VARCHAR RESERVED WORDS^52^ RUN^1^ RUN^2^ RUN RUN^3^ --- RUN^4^ RUN^5^ RUN lists and executes the SQL command or PL/SQL block currently in RUN^6^ the SQL buffer. RUN makes the last line of the SQL buffer the RUN^7^ current line. RUN^8^ RUN^9^ The slash command (/) works like RUN, but doesn't list the command. RUN^10^ RUN^11^ R[UN] RUN^12^ RUN^13^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's RUN^14^ Guide and Reference. RUN^15^ SAVE^1^ SAVE^2^ SAVE SAVE^3^ ---- SAVE^4^ SAVE^5^ SAVE stores the SQL buffer's contents in a host operating system SAVE^6^ command file. SAVE^7^ SAVE^8^ SAV[E] file_name[.ext] [CRE[ATE]|REP[LACE]|APP[END]] SAVE^9^ SAVE^10^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's SAVE^11^ Guide and Reference. SAVE^12^ SET^1^ SET^2^ SET SET^3^ --- SET^4^ SET^5^ Use SET to control SQL*Plus environment settings for the current SET^6^ session; for example: SET^7^ - the display width for NUMBER data SET^8^ - the display width for LONG data SET^9^ - enabling or disabling the printing of column SET^10^ headings SET^11^ - the number of lines per page SET^12^ SET^13^ SET^14^ SET system_variable value SET^15^ SET^16^ APPI[NFO]{ON|OFF|text} NULL text SET^17^ ARRAY[SIZE] {20|n} NUMF[ORMAT] format SET^18^ AUTO[COMMIT] {OFF|ON|IMM[EDIATE|n]} NUM[WIDTH] {10|n} SET^19^ AUTOP[RINT] {OFF|ON} PAGES[IZE] {24|n} SET^20^ AUTOT[RACE] {OFF|ON|TRACE[ONLY]} PAU[SE] {OFF|ON|text} SET^21^ [EXP[LAIN]] [STAT[ISTICS]] RECSEP {WR[APPED]| SET^22^ EA[CH]|OFF} SET^23^ BLO[CKTERMINATOR] {.|c} RECSEPCHAR { |c} SET^24^ CMDS[EP] {;|c|OFF|ON} SEVEROUT[PUT] {OFF|ON} SET^25^ [SIZE n] [FOR[MAT] SET^26^ COLSEP { |text} {WRA[PPED]| SET^27^ WOR[D_WRAPPED]| SET^28^ COM[PATIBILITY] {V7|V8|NATIVE} TRU[NCATED]}] SET^29^ CON[CAT] {.|c|OFF|ON} SHIFT[INOUT] {VIS[IBLE]| SET^30^ INV[ISIBLE]} SET^31^ COPYC[OMMIT] {0|n} SHOW[MODE] {OFF|ON} SET^32^ COPYTYPECHECK {OFF|ON} SQLC[ASE] {MIX[ED]| SET^33^ LO[WER]|UP[PER]} SET^34^ DEF[INE] {&|c|OFF|ON} SQLCO[NTINUE] {> | text} SET^35^ ECHO {OFF|ON} SQLN[UMBER] {OFF|ON} SET^36^ EDITF[ILE] file_name[.ext] SQLPRE[FIX] {#|c} SET^37^ EMB[EDEDDED] {OFF|ON} SQLP[ROMPT] {SQL>|text} SET^38^ ESC[APE] {\|c|OFF|ON} SQLT[ERMINATOR] SET^39^ {;|c|OFF|ON} SET^40^ FEED[BACK] {6|n|OFF|ON} SUF[FIX] {SQL|text} SET^41^ FLAGGER {OFF|ENTRY|INTERMED[IATE]|FULL} TAB {OFF|ON} SET^42^ FLU[SH] {OFF|ON} TERM[OUT] {OFF|ON} SET^43^ HEA[DING] {OFF|ON} TI[ME] {OFF|ON} SET^44^ HEADS[EP] {||c|OFF|ON} TIMI[NG] {OFF|ON} SET^45^ LIN[ESIZE] {80|n} TRIM[OUT] {OFF|ON} SET^46^ LOBOFFSET {n|1} TRIMS[POOL] {ON|OFF} SET^47^ LONG {80|n} UND[ERLINE] {-|c|ON|OFF} SET^48^ LONGC[HUNKSIZE] {80|n} VER[IFY] {OFF|ON} SET^49^ NEWP[AGE] {1|n|NONE} WRA[P] {OFF|ON} SET^50^ SET^51^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's SET^52^ Guide and Reference. SET^53^ SHOW^1^ SHOW^2^ SHOW SHOW^3^ ---- SHOW^4^ SHOW^5^ Use SHOW to show the value of a SQL*Plus system variable, or the SHOW^6^ current SQL*Plus environment. SHOW^7^ SHOW^8^ SHO[W] option SHOW^9^ SHOW^10^ where option can be: SHOW^11^ SHOW^12^ system_variable SHOW^13^ ALL SHOW^14^ BTI[TLE] SHOW^15^ ERR[ORS] [{FUNCTION|PROCEDURE|PACKAGE|PACKAGE BODY|TRIGGER| SHOW^16^ VIEW|TYPE|TYPE BODY} [schema.]name] SHOW^17^ LABEL SHOW^18^ LNO SHOW^19^ PNO SHOW^20^ REL[EASE] SHOW^21^ REPF[OOTER] SHOW^22^ REPH[EADER] SHOW^23^ SPOO[L] SHOW^24^ SQLCODE SHOW^25^ TT[ITLE] SHOW^26^ USER SHOW^27^ SHOW^28^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's SHOW^29^ Guide and Reference. SHOW^30^ /^1^ /^2^ / (slash) /^3^ --------- /^4^ /^5^ Enter a slash (/) at the command prompt or at a line number prompt /^6^ to execute a SQL command or PL/SQL block in the SQL buffer. The /^7^ slash command works like RUN, but does not list the command on your /^8^ screen buffer. /^9^ /^10^ Executing a SQL command or PL/SQL block with the slash does not /^11^ change the current line number in the SQL buffer unless the command /^12^ in the buffer has an error. If so, SQL*Plus makes the line with the /^13^ error the current line. /^14^ /^15^ / /^16^ /^17^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's /^18^ Guide and Reference. /^19^ SPOOL^1^ SPOOL^2^ SPOOL SPOOL^3^ ----- SPOOL^4^ SPOOL^5^ Use SPOOL to store query results in an operating system file, or send the SPOOL^6^ file to a printer. SPOOL^7^ SPOOL^8^ SPO[OL] [file_name[.ext]|OFF|OUT] SPOOL^9^ SPOOL^10^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's SPOOL^11^ Guide and Reference. SPOOL^12^ STORE^1^ STORE^2^ STORE STORE^3^ ----- STORE^4^ STORE^5^ Saves attributes of the current SQL*Plus environment in a host STORE^6^ operating system file (a command file). STORE^7^ STORE^8^ STORE {SET} file_name[.ext] [CRE[ATE]|REP[LACE]|APP[END]] STORE^9^ STORE^10^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's STORE^11^ Guide and Reference. STORE^12^ SQLPLUS^1^ SQLPLUS^2^ SQLPLUS SQLPLUS^3^ ------- SQLPLUS^4^ SQLPLUS^5^ SQLPLUS starts SQL*Plus from the operating system prompt. Start SQLPLUS^6^ enables you to enter a command filename and arguments. SQL*Plus SQLPLUS^7^ passes the arguments to the command file as though you executed the SQLPLUS^8^ file with the SQL*Plus START command. SQLPLUS^9^ SQLPLUS^10^ If you omit logon and specify start, SQL*Plus assumes that the first SQLPLUS^11^ line of the command file contains a valid logon. If both start and SQLPLUS^12^ logon are omitted, SQL*Plus prompts for logon information. SQLPLUS^13^ SQLPLUS^14^ SQLPLUS [[-S[ILENT]] [logon] [start]]|-|-? SQLPLUS^15^ SQLPLUS^16^ logon: username[/password][@database_specification]|/|/NOLOG SQLPLUS^17^ start: @file_name[.ext ] [arg ...] SQLPLUS^18^ SQLPLUS^19^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's SQLPLUS^20^ Guide and Reference. SQLPLUS^21^ START^1^ START^2^ START START^3^ ----- START^4^ START^5^ START executes the contents of a command file. The @ ("at" sign) START^6^ and @@ (double "at" sign) commands work similarly to the START START^7^ command, but do not enable the passing of values to parameters. START^8^ START^9^ STA[RT] file_name[.ext] [arg ...] START^10^ START^11^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's START^12^ Guide and Reference. START^13^ TIMING^1^ TIMING^2^ TIMING TIMING^3^ ------ TIMING^4^ TIMING^5^ TIMING records timing data for an elapsed time period, lists the TIMING^6^ current timer's name and timing data, or lists the number of active TIMING^7^ timers. TIMING^8^ TIMING^9^ TIMI[NG] [START text|SHOW|STOP] TIMING^10^ TIMING^11^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's TIMING^12^ Guide and Reference. TIMING^13^ TTITLE^1^ TTITLE^2^ TTITLE TTITLE^3^ ------ TTITLE^4^ TTITLE^5^ TTITLE places and formats a title at the top of each report page. TTITLE^6^ Enter TTITLE with no clause to list its current definition. The old TTITLE^7^ form of TTITLE is used if only a single word or string in quotes TTITLE^8^ follows the TTITLE command. TTITLE^9^ TTITLE^10^ TTI[TLE] [printspec [text|variable] ...] | [OFF|ON] TTITLE^11^ TTITLE^12^ where printspec is one or more of the clauses: TTITLE^13^ TTITLE^14^ COL n LE[FT] BOLD TTITLE^15^ S[KIP] [n] CE[NTER] FORMAT text TTITLE^16^ TAB n R[IGHT] TTITLE^17^ TTITLE^18^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's TTITLE^19^ Guide and Reference. TTITLE^20^ UNDEFINE^1^ UNDEFINE^2^ UNDEFINE UNDEFINE^3^ -------- UNDEFINE^4^ UNDEFINE^5^ UNDEFINE deletes one or more user variables that you defined either UNDEFINE^6^ explicitly (with the DEFINE command), or implicitly (with a START UNDEFINE^7^ command argument). UNDEFINE^8^ UNDEFINE^9^ UNDEF[INE] variable ... UNDEFINE^10^ UNDEFINE^11^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's UNDEFINE^12^ Guide and Reference. UNDEFINE^13^ VARIABLE^1^ VARIABLE^2^ VARIABLE VARIABLE^3^ -------- VARIABLE^4^ VARIABLE^5^ VARIABLE declares a bind variable that can then be referenced in VARIABLE^6^ PL/SQL. VARIABLE with no arguments displays a list of all the VARIABLE^7^ variables declared in the session. VARIABLE followed by a name VARIABLE^8^ lists that variable. VARIABLE^9^ VARIABLE^10^ VAR[IABLE] [variable [NUMBER|CHAR|CHAR (n)|NCHAR|NCHAR (n)| VARIABLE^11^ VARCHAR2 (n)|NVARCHAR2 (n)|CLOB|NCLOB|REFCURSOR]] VARIABLE^12^ VARIABLE^13^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's VARIABLE^14^ Guide and Reference. VARIABLE^15^ WHENEVER OSERROR^1^ WHENEVER OSERROR^2^ WHENEVER OSERROR WHENEVER OSERROR^3^ ---------------- WHENEVER OSERROR^4^ WHENEVER OSERROR^5^ WHENEVER OSERROR exits SQL*Plus if an operating system error occurs, WHENEVER OSERROR^6^ (such as a file I/O error). WHENEVER OSERROR^7^ WHENEVER OSERROR^8^ WHENEVER OSERROR {EXIT [SUCCESS|FAILURE|n|variable] WHENEVER OSERROR^9^ [COMMIT|ROLLBACK]|CONTINUE [COMMIT|ROLLBACK|NONE]} WHENEVER OSERROR^10^ WHENEVER OSERROR^11^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's WHENEVER OSERROR^12^ Guide and Reference. WHENEVER OSERROR^13^ WHENEVER SQLERROR^1^ WHENEVER SQLERROR^2^ WHENEVER SQLERROR WHENEVER SQLERROR^3^ ----------------- WHENEVER SQLERROR^4^ WHENEVER SQLERROR^5^ Exits SQL*Plus if a SQL command or PL/SQL block generates an error. WHENEVER SQLERROR^6^ WHENEVER SQLERROR^7^ WHENEVER SQLERROR {EXIT [SUCCESS|FAILURE|WARNING|n|variable] WHENEVER SQLERROR^8^ [COMMIT|ROLLBACK]|CONTINUE [COMMIT|ROLLBACK|NONE]} WHENEVER SQLERROR^9^ WHENEVER SQLERROR^10^ For detailed information on this command, see the SQL*Plus User's WHENEVER SQLERROR^11^ Guide and Reference. WHENEVER SQLERROR^12^