/* Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994. All Rights Reserved */ /***************************************************************************** NAME d2ls.vrf - analysis/product configuration script for the Load Balancer Server DESCRIPTION This script checks dependencies and environment settings for the installation of Load Balancer Server. OWNER Thomas C. Jose MODIFIED MM-DD-YY Reason tjose 06/08/99 Created ******************************************************************************/ { SHARED_ORACLE_COMPLIANT = TRUE; {doit = execute("%installer_home%%dir_separator%%operating_system%.vrf");} [ 'UNBOUND_VARIABLE: { required_version = product_version(instver_product); temp = explode(required_version, "."); required_version = implode(list(first(temp),first(rest(temp)), first(rest(rest(temp))), first(rest(rest(rest(temp))))), "."); signal('FAILURE, instantiate(nls("instver_too_early1", "The version of the Installer currently running is %%installer_version%%. The installation you have chosen requires version %%required_version%% or later. Please run version %%required_version%% or later in order to perform this installation."))); } ] /* This FAILURE will cause 3.0.x.x installer to exit gracefully. */ /*************** START MAIN LOGIC ****************/ if (doit) { /***************************** Set the VRF-INS script ratchet ******************************/ vrf_ratchet = ""; /*************** 04/21/95 *********************** Create a label with the product name, and version *************************************************/ EXECUTE_SCRIPT = "CREATE_LABEL"; execute("%installer_home%%dir_separator%d2kr2vrf.usr"); /************************** Determine installation path ***************************/ /* install_variable = "ORACLE_D2LS"; default_home = "%oracle_home%%dir_separator%D2LS"; ORACLE_D2LS = execute("%product_home%%dir_separator%instloc.usr"); */ /**************************/ d2ls60_exe = "%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\d2ls60.exe"; temp_exe = "%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\temp_exe_dest.exe"; service_running = TRUE; d2ls60_running = FALSE; d2ls60_client_running_msg = nls("d2ls60_client_running_msg","File %ORACLE_HOME%\bin\d2ls60.exe is in use. Please stop the Load Balancer Server service first and Click OK to continue"); if(exists(d2ls60_exe)) { while(service_running) { {copy_file(d2ls60_exe,temp_exe); move_file(temp_exe,d2ls60_exe); d2ls60_running = FALSE; service_running = FALSE;} ['PERMISSION_DENIED, 'OS_ERROR: d2ls60_running = TRUE;] if(d2ls60_running) { if((earlier_version(d2ls,""))||not(registered("d2ls"))) { information_dialog(d2ls60_client_running_msg); } else { {winnt_stop_service("Oracle_Load_Balancer_60_Server%oracle_home_group1%"); if(winnt_query_service_status("Oracle_Load_Balancer_60_Server%oracle_home_group1%") == 4) service_running = FALSE;} ['NO_RESPONSE,'FILE_NOT_FOUND,'SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, 'INVALID_SERVICE_NAME, 'PERMISSION_DENIED: information_dialog(d2ls60_client_running_msg); 'SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE: service_running = FALSE; 'OS_ERROR: continue();] } } } } if(configureProcesses) { data_port_string = nls("data_port_string", "Data Port:"); request_port_string = nls("request_port_string","Request Port:"); /* set("request_port","9020",'GLOBAL);*/ /* request_port="9020";*/ prompt_string = nls("prompt_string","Enter the port numbers to be used by the Forms load balancer server."); #IDs IDTIT = 1; IDCLB = 3; IDHLB = 4; IDCEN = 5; IDHPD = 6; IDHVL = 7; ITEMTIT1 = list(IDTIT, list('UI_LABEL, list(5, 5, 240, 40), prompt_string, 'MULTILINE)); ITEMCLB = list(IDCLB, list('UI_LABEL, list(20, 60, 130, 40), data_port_string)); ITEMHLB = list(IDHLB, list('UI_LABEL, list(20, 100, 130, 40), request_port_string)); ITEMCEN = list(IDCEN, list('UI_ENTRY, list(130, 60, 50, 20), data_port)); ITEMHPD = list(IDHPD, list('UI_ENTRY, list(130, 100, 50, 20), request_port)); spec = list(ITEMTIT1, ITEMCLB, ITEMHLB, ITEMCEN); add(spec, ITEMHPD); install_settings_content = nls("install_settings_content", "Load Balancer Server Parameters"); install_settings_help = nls("install_settings_help", "Load Balancer Server Parameters You may accept or modify the startup parameter values for the load balancer server. These are TCP/IP port numbers. They need only be changed if either is already being used by another program. Data port: Enter the TCP/IP port number on which to listen for load data from the load balancer client processes (which will run on the secondary nodes). Request port: Enter the TCP/IP port number on which to listen for requests for the 'least loaded host' made by the Forms Web CGI (or cartridge)."); values_proper = FALSE; while(not(values_proper)) { port_values = custom_dialog(spec, list(), install_settings_content, install_settings_help); /* data_port =get_UI_value(port_values,IDCEN, 'UI_ENTRY); */ set("data_port",get_UI_value(port_values,IDCEN, 'UI_ENTRY),'GLOBAL); set("request_port",get_UI_value(port_values,IDHPD, 'UI_ENTRY),'GLOBAL); { numerify(data_port); numerify(request_port); values_proper = TRUE; } ['LEXICAL_ERROR: {values_proper = FALSE; continue();} ] if(not(values_proper)) { not_correct_values = nls("not_correct_values","Data port and Request port must be numeric."); information_dialog(not_correct_values); } } } /*************************************************************************** Initialize total size of files ****************************************************************************/ total_sum = 0; total_sum = total_sum + sum(exe, deinst); return(total_sum); /***************************************************************************/ } else { refresh_map_file = FALSE; return(0); } }