/* Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994. All Rights Reserved */ /***************************************************************************** NAME d2lc.vrf - analysis/product configuration script for the Load Balancer Client DESCRIPTION This script checks dependencies and environment settings for the installation of Load Balancer Client. OWNER Thomas C. Jose MODIFIED MM-DD-YY Reason tjose 06/08/99 Created ******************************************************************************/ { SHARED_ORACLE_COMPLIANT = TRUE; {doit = execute("%installer_home%%dir_separator%%operating_system%.vrf");} [ 'UNBOUND_VARIABLE: { required_version = product_version(instver_product); temp = explode(required_version, "."); required_version = implode(list(first(temp),first(rest(temp)), first(rest(rest(temp))), first(rest(rest(rest(temp))))), "."); signal('FAILURE, instantiate(nls("instver_too_early1", "The version of the Installer currently running is %%installer_version%%. The installation you have chosen requires version %%required_version%% or later. Please run version %%required_version%% or later in order to perform this installation."))); } ] /* This FAILURE will cause 3.0.x.x installer to exit gracefully. */ /*************** START MAIN LOGIC ****************/ if (doit) { /***************************** Set the VRF-INS script ratchet ******************************/ vrf_ratchet = ""; /*************** 04/21/95 *********************** Create a label with the product name, and version *************************************************/ EXECUTE_SCRIPT = "CREATE_LABEL"; execute("%installer_home%%dir_separator%d2kr2vrf.usr"); /************************** Determine installation path ***************************/ /* install_variable = "ORACLE_D2LC"; default_home = "%oracle_home%%dir_separator%D2LC"; ORACLE_D2LC = execute("%product_home%%dir_separator%instloc.usr"); */ d2lc60_exe = "%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\d2lc60.exe"; temp_exe = "%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\temp_exe_dest.exe"; service_running = TRUE; d2lc60_running = FALSE; d2lc60_client_running_msg = nls("d2lc60_client_running_msg","File %ORACLE_HOME%\bin\d2lc60.exe is in use. Please stop the Load Balancer Client service first and Click OK to continue"); if(exists(d2lc60_exe)) { while(service_running) { {copy_file(d2lc60_exe,temp_exe); move_file(temp_exe,d2lc60_exe); d2lc60_running = FALSE; service_running = FALSE;} ['PERMISSION_DENIED, 'OS_ERROR: d2lc60_running = TRUE;] if(d2lc60_running) { if((earlier_version(d2lc,""))||not(registered("d2lc"))) { information_dialog(d2lc60_client_running_msg); } else { {winnt_stop_service("Oracle_Load_Balancer_60_Client%oracle_home_group1%"); if(winnt_query_service_status("Oracle_Load_Balancer_60_Client%oracle_home_group1%") == 4) service_running = FALSE;} ['NO_RESPONSE,'FILE_NOT_FOUND,'SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, 'INVALID_SERVICE_NAME, 'PERMISSION_DENIED: information_dialog(d2lc60_client_running_msg); 'SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE: service_running = FALSE; 'OS_ERROR: continue();] } } } } /**************************/ if(member(selected_products,d2ls)) { data_host="localhost"; } else { if(configureProcesses) { d2lc_prompt = nls("d2lc_prompt","Enter the full host name of the primary node, and the data port number for the load balancer server running on that node."); data_host_string = nls("data_host_string", "Data host:"); data_port_string = nls("data_port_string", "Data Port:"); data_host=""; #IDs IDTIT = 1; IDCLB = 3; IDHLB = 4; IDCEN = 5; IDHPD = 6; IDHVL = 7; ITEMTIT1 = list(IDTIT, list('UI_LABEL, list(5, 5, 400, 70), d2lc_prompt, 'MULTILINE)); ITEMCLB = list(IDCLB, list('UI_LABEL, list(20, 90, 130, 40), data_host_string)); ITEMHLB = list(IDHLB, list('UI_LABEL, list(20, 130, 130, 40), data_port_string)); ITEMCEN = list(IDCEN, list('UI_ENTRY, list(130, 90, 300, 20), data_host)); ITEMHPD = list(IDHPD, list('UI_ENTRY, list(130, 130, 50, 20), data_port)); spec = list(ITEMTIT1, ITEMCLB, ITEMHLB, ITEMCEN); add(spec, ITEMHPD); install_settings_content = nls("install_settings_content", "Load Balancer Client parameters"); install_settings_help = nls("install_settings_help", "Load Balancer Client parameters You may accept or modify the startup parameter values for the load balancer client. These tell it how to connect to the load balancer server. Data host: Enter the full host name of the machine which is the Primary Node (the machine on which the Load Balancer Server is running) in this multiple machine configuration. Data port: Enter the TCP/IP port number on which the load balancer server is listening for load data."); values_proper = FALSE; while(not(values_proper)) { d2lc_settings_choices = custom_dialog(spec, list(), install_settings_content, install_settings_help); data_host =get_UI_value(d2lc_settings_choices,IDCEN, 'UI_ENTRY); if(data_host == "0") values_proper = TRUE; data_port=get_UI_value(d2lc_settings_choices,IDHPD, 'UI_ENTRY); { numerify(data_port); values_proper = TRUE; } ['LEXICAL_ERROR: {values_proper = FALSE; continue();} ] if(not(values_proper)) { not_correct_values = nls("not_correct_values","Data host and Data port must be entered. Data port must be numeric."); information_dialog(not_correct_values); } } } } /*************************************************************************** Initialize total size of files ****************************************************************************/ total_sum = 0; total_sum = total_sum + sum(exe, deinst); return(total_sum); /***************************************************************************/ } else { refresh_map_file = FALSE; return(0); } }