You've completed the installation of the Reports Developer product. What's the next step?
Start familiarizing yourself with the features of this product, and learning how to create reports applications.
A good place to begin is with the Quick Tour. This is included with the product CD, and has now been installed and made available. To access the Quick Tour, start Report Builder, and on its Welcome screen, choose the option Run the Quick Tour. You can also start the Quick Tour from the Help menu on any of the Builders.
After completing the Quick Tour, move on to the detailed documentation in the manuals and the online help topics.
You may also wish to install and examine the product demos supplied on a separate CD in your package. They offer another good source for learning about the product.
Supplementary information is occasionally created for users of this product. You can access this material (white papers, for example) on the Oracle Reports Developer websites at http://www.oracle.com/tools/developer/ and http://technet.oracle.com/products/reports/.
Look at the New Features section in the online help, Report Builder Help Topics. This offers a quick summary of new functionality in this release. There is also a What's New section under Features & Benefits in the Quick Tour.
Also look at the Compatibility with Previous Releases section in the online help. This provides an overview of behavior that has changed.
For details about a particular new feature or behavior, see the specific help topics and/or sections in the manuals.
A new manual is available with this release: Oracle Reports Server: Building Reports, A73071. This manual can help you understand the benefits of web deployment, and the steps to take to accomplish that.
It is also useful to occasionally check the Oracle Developer website at http://www.oracle.com/tools/developer/ and the Oracle Reports website at http://technet.oracle.com/products/reports/. Helpful supplementary information is posted there.
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