/* $Header: cmd.c@@/main/st_network_2.3_dev/st_network_2. \ vms_7.3.3/1 \ Checked in on Tue Mar 11 15:10:48 PST 1997 by dschwab \ Copyright (c) 1997 by Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved. \ */ /* * command processing function on the client side */ #ifndef CMD # include "cmd.h" #endif #include #include char *gettoken(/*_ char * token _*/); void send_DISRQ(); int tnsapi(); int err_cmd(); void do_get(); void do_put(); int cmd_ascii() { modetype = MODE_ASCII; return(0); } int cmd_binary() { modetype = MODE_BINARY; return(0); } int cmd_connect() { char con_string[MAXBUFF]; /* connect string */ char *data = ""; int datalen = 1; /* * We need to check if a previous connection is open, if so, we need to * send a disconnect packet to the existing server process first, asking * it to close down the connect, before we establish a different connection */ if (clitnshdl) { send_DISRQ(); tnsclose(&clitnshdl); } if (gettoken(con_string) == NULL) err_cmd("incorrect connect string or alias"); if (tnsopen(&clitnshdl, con_string) != 0) err_cmd("tnsopen failed"); /* send an empty string over to establish connection */ if (tnssend(clitnshdl, data, &datalen) != 0) { tnsclose(&clitnshdl); err_cmd("Failed to establish connection with the server"); } else connected = 1; return(0); } int cmd_exit() { if (clitnshdl) { send_DISRQ(); tnsclose(&clitnshdl); } exit(0); return(0); /* Need a return because this is a non-void function */ } int cmd_get() { char remfname[MAXFILENAME], locfname[MAXFILENAME]; if (gettoken(remfname) == NULL) err_cmd("the remote filename must be specified"); if (gettoken(locfname) == NULL) err_cmd("the local filename must be specified"); do_get(remfname, locfname); return(0); } int cmd_help() { register int i; for (i = 0; i < ncmds; i++) printf(" %s\n", commands[i].cmd_name); return(0); } int cmd_mode() { if (gettoken(temptoken) == NULL) err_cmd("a mode type must be specified"); else { if (strcmp(temptoken, "ascii") == 0) modetype = MODE_ASCII; else if (strcmp(temptoken, "binary") == 0) modetype = MODE_BINARY; else err_cmd("mode must be 'ascii' or 'binary'"); } return(0); } int cmd_put() { char remfname[MAXFILENAME], locfname[MAXFILENAME]; if (gettoken(locfname) == NULL) err_cmd("the local filename must be specified"); if (gettoken(remfname) == NULL) err_cmd("the remote filename must be specified"); do_put(remfname, locfname); return(0); } int cmd_status() { if (connected) printf("Connected\n"); else printf("Not connected\n"); printf("mode = "); switch(modetype) { case MODE_ASCII: printf("netascii"); break; case MODE_BINARY: printf("octet (binary)"); break; default: err_cmd("unknown modetype"); } /* printf(", verbose = %s", verboseflag ? "on": "off"); */ printf(", trace = %s\n", traceflag ? "on" : "off"); return(0); } int cmd_trace() { traceflag = !traceflag; return(0); } /*int cmd_verbose() { verboseflag = !verboseflag; }*/