/* Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994, 1996. All Rights Reserved */ /***************************************************************************** NAME appc80.vrf DESCRIPTION This script checks dependencies and environment settings for installation of the Windows 32 APPC product. OWNER MODIFIED DD-MMM-YY Reason ewang 07-MAR-97 Created. *****************************************************************************/ { { /* OS variables */ if (platform() == "nt") { prefix = "nt"; instver_name = "ntinstver"; install_name = "ntinstall"; } else { prefix = "w95"; instver_name = "w95instver"; install_name = "w95install"; } instver_prod = evaluate("instver_name"); install_prod = evaluate("install_name"); doit = execute("%installer_home%\%operating_system%.vrf"); } [ 'UNBOUND_VARIABLE: { required_version = product_version(instver_prod); temp = explode(required_version,"."); required_version = implode(list(first(temp),first(rest(temp)), first(rest(rest(temp))), first(rest(rest(rest(temp))))),"."); signal('failure,instantiate(nls("instver_too_early1","The version of the Installer currently running is %%installer_version%%. The installation you have chosen requires version %%required_version%% or later. Please run version %%required_version%% or later in order to perform this installation."))); } ] if (doit) { net2_register = nls("net2_register","Registering %%product_label%%..."); net2_install_script = nls("net2_install_script","Installing %%product_label%% Installation Scripts..."); net2_install_message = nls("net2_install_message","Installing %%product_label%% Message Files..."); net2_install_sample = nls("net2_install_sample","Installing %%product_label%% Sample Files..."); net2_install_dll = nls("net2_install_dll","Installing %%product_label%% DLL's..."); net2_adapter_prompt = nls("net2_adapter_prompt","Which Oracle network product are you installing?"); net2_adapter_content = nls("net2_adapter_content","Adapter"); net2_adapter_help = nls("net2_adapter_help","You need to install SQL*Net Client or SQL*Net Server in order to use an Oracle Protocol Adapter."); app_prompt = nls("app_prompt","Stop all Oracle applications that are using %%product_label%% before continuing with this installation."); app_content = nls("app_content","Stop Applications"); app_help = nls("app_help","%%product_label%% is being used. Stop all Oracle applications that are using %%product_label%% before continuing with this installation."); /* variables and logic */ install_dependent = false; return(sum(dll,deinstl)); /********** COMMENTED - script will never reach here, this code is no longer needed. -Nevans netclt_prod = w32netclt80; sqlnet_clt = "SQL*Net Client"; sqlnet_srv = "SQL*Net Server"; if ( registered("w32netclt80") || member(selected_products,netclt_prod) || member(products_for_installation,netclt_prod) ) { install_dependent = false; return(sum(dll,deinstl)); } if( platform() == "nt") { netsrv_prod = evaluate("%prefix%netsrv80"); if ( registered("%prefix%netsrv80") || member(selected_products,netsrv_prod) || member(products_for_installation,netsrv_prod) ) { install_dependent = false; return(sum(dll,deinstl)); } sqlnet_list = list(sqlnet_clt,sqlnet_srv); install_dependent = TRUE; sqlnet = single_selection_dialog(net2_adapter_prompt,sqlnet_list, net2_adapter_content, net2_adapter_help); } * NT * else * 95 * { * automatically install 95 client * install_dependent = TRUE; sqlnet = sqlnet_clt; } opa_size = sum(dll,deinstl); * This hack gets checkmap to do the right thing. * if (sqlnet == sqlnet_clt) { dependent = netclt_prod; add(products_for_installation, netclt_prod); return(verify(netclt_prod) + opa_size); } else if (sqlnet == sqlnet_srv) { dependent = netsrv_prod; add(products_for_installation, netsrv_prod ); return(verify(netsrv_prod) + opa_size); } **************** END COMMENTING **********/ } refresh_map_file = FALSE; return(0); }