/* Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1992, 1996. All Rights Reserved */ /***************************************************************************** NAME spx23.dei DESCRIPTION This script removes the Windows 32 SPX/IPX files and un-registers the product. MODIFIED DD-MMM-YY Reason mmckerle 03-OCT-97 Removed deinstallation of Client and Server since adapters no longer force install these mhclau 22-SEP-97 Remove NLS resources. dstiefel 22-FEB-96 Merge NT/95 for 2.3.2 dlau 07-AUG-95 Modified for SQLNET 2.2 eflores 06-APR-94 Modified for Windows NT. zkhan 11-AUG-93 Modified for SQLNET and for using V3. or later of the installer. trodgers 28-JAN-92 Created. *****************************************************************************/ { { /* OS variables */ if (platform() == "nt") prefix = "nt"; else prefix = "w95"; /* Check Product Dependencies */ doit = execute("%installer_home%\%operating_system%.dei"); } [ 'UNBOUND_VARIABLE: signal('failure,instantiate(nls("instver_too_early2", "The version of the Installer currently running is %%installer_version%%. The product(s) you have chosen to deinstall were installed with a later version of the Installer. Please use a later version of the Installer to deinstall these product(s)."))); ] if (doit) { net2_deinstall_registry = nls("net2_deinstall_registry","Unregistering %%registry_label%%..."); net2_deinstall_script = nls("net2_deinstall_script","Deinstalling %%registry_label%% Installation Scripts..."); net2_deinstall_dll = nls("net2_deinstall_dll","Deinstalling %%registry_label%% DLL's..."); /* Unregister Product */ ui_product(registry_label); /* Remove Files */ ui_action(instantiate(net2_deinstall_dll)); app_prompt = instantiate(nls("app_prompt","Stop all Oracle applications that are using %%registry_label%% before continuing with deinstallation.")); app_content = nls("app_content","Stop Applications"); app_help = instantiate(nls("app_help1","%%registry_label%% is being used. Stop all Oracle applications that are using %%registry_label%% before continuing with deinstallation.")); { remove(dll); } ['PERMISSION_DENIED:{ information_dialog(app_prompt, app_content, app_help); signal('FAILURE, instantiate(nls("Deinstallation terminated. Please stop all Oracle applications that are using %%registry_label%%."))); } ] ui_action(instantiate(net2_deinstall_registry)); unregister(current_registry); ui_action(instantiate(net2_deinstall_script)); remove(deinstl, nls_abbreviation); } }