/* Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1993. All Rights Reserved */ /***************************************************************************** NAME makedir.vrf - V3 common checks for valid path name. DESCRIPTION This script requests an absolute directory name until a valid path is found. This directory is created if it does not already exist. NFS paths are not checked for legal names. HPFS paths are checked for legal HPFS names. All other paths are checked for legal FAT names. IN Variables: string makedir_default_dir string makedir_select_dir_prompt string makedir_select_dir_content (dos/os2 only) string makedir_select_dir_help (dos/os2 only) Used in a text dialog to request a directory name. If Windows, choose directory dialog is used instead (content & help will not be available). boolean makedir_root_allowed Set to true if '%drive%:\' is considered valid. boolean makedir_skip_pass Set to true means user has already entered a path to check, using multiple_text_dialog in calling script, for example. If unbound, default to false. boolean makedir_check_invalid_home Set to true means that user wants to check that paths being entered are not invalid for an oracle home for the %makedir_os_for_home% platform. string makedir_os_for_home String indicating the OS for which the validity check is being made. For eg., if "nt" is passed in, there should'nt be any *.rgs files in %makedir_path_to_check%\orainst that have a filename other than nt.rgs string makedir_root_message string makedir_root_content string makedir_root_help Used in information dialog if makedir_root_allowed = false and a root path was entered. The variable %makedir_path_to_check% can referred to in these 3 strings to reference the root path that was entered. string list makedir_bad_dir_list string list makedir_bad_dir_message_list string list makedir_bad_dir_content_list string list makedir_bad_dir_help_list List of known bad directories and their associated messages. These will be checked for and message will be displayed. Can be left unbound (all 4 must be unbound) if empty. If content string is "", then no help is displayed with message. string list makedir_bad_tree_list string list makedir_bad_tree_message_list string list makedir_bad_tree_content_list string list makedir_bad_tree_help_list List of known bad directory trees and their associated messages. These will be checked for and message will be displayed. Can be left unbound (all 4 must be unbound) if empty. If content string is "", then no help is displayed with message. number makedir_required_space Amount of space required on the chosen drive in bytes. All of the above strings are instantiated immediately before usage. RETURNS: string The valid directory that was specified. This directory is guaranteed to exist. NOTE: This script uses only variables with prefix 'makedir_'. This script requires Installer or later. This script is shared by OS/2, DOS, and Windows. MODIFIED MM/DD/YY REASON njagathe 08/08/96 Added check for oracle home validity - the user needs to set makedir_check_invalid_home to TRUE njagathe 05/31/96 Made script silent_mode compliant. In silent mode, the script now generates a signal with the cause of the need to redo. vrajkuma 05/16/96 Added space checking logic. zzerhoun 01/29/96 Allow for local setup of OCSM (cancel 3/14/95) vrajkuma 11/29/95 In Shared mode, make sure path is not on network. (for bstar agent, as it can't see n/w drives) sagarwal 09/13/95 Modified check for bad tree structures zzerhoun 03/14/95 In Shared mode, make sure Path is on Network zzerhoun 02/06/95 Added makedir_bad_tree_* for directory structures zzerhoun 01/03/95 Fixed FAT Path too long bug zzerhoun 12/15/94 Changed to allow to set path_to_check in calling script zzerhoun 11/08/94 Made '-' and '&' valid characters ming 01/13/94 Changed to allow to run under DOS and OS/2. ming 01/12/94 Added 'stringsonly to explode calls. ming 12/30/93 Created. *****************************************************************************/ { { /* Cannot skip directory dialog if not path to check */ makedir_path_to_check = makedir_path_to_check; makedir_skip_pass = makedir_skip_pass; } [ 'unbound_variable: makedir_skip_pass = FALSE;] { makedir_signal_error = makedir_signal_error; } [ 'unbound_variable: makedir_signal_error = FALSE;] { makedir_bad_dir_list = makedir_bad_dir_list; } [ 'unbound_variable: { makedir_bad_dir_list = list(); makedir_bad_dir_message_list = list(); makedir_bad_dir_content_list = list(); makedir_bad_dir_help_list = list(); } ] { makedir_bad_tree_list = makedir_bad_tree_list; } [ 'unbound_variable: { makedir_bad_tree_list = list(); makedir_bad_tree_message_list = list(); makedir_bad_tree_content_list = list(); makedir_bad_tree_help_list = list(); } ] makedir_current_directory = current_directory(); /* need to restore this later */ makedir_bad_names = list("kbd$","prn","nul","com1","com2","com3","com4","con","clock$", "lpt1","lpt2","lpt3","screen$","pointer$","mouse$"); makedir_drives = dos_mapped_drives(); makedir_new_dirs = list(); /* list of directories created by this script */ { makedir_looped_once = false; while (true) { /* The reason for needing to loop a second time is stored in makedir_failure_message. This is used in the generation of a signal in silent_mode */ if (makedir_looped_once) if (makedir_signal_error || silent_mode) { { makedir_content = makedir_content; /* Check for unbound var */ makedir_failure_signal_string = "(%makedir_content%): %makedir_failure_message%"; }[ 'UNBOUND_VARIABLE: makedir_failure_signal_string = "(%makedir_content%): %makedir_failure_message%"; ] signal('makedir_invalid_path, makedir_failure_signal_string); } makedir_looped_once = true; makedir_redo = false; while (not(empty(makedir_new_dirs))) { /* clean up */ makedir_new_dir = first(makedir_new_dirs); makedir_new_dirs = rest(makedir_new_dirs); remove_directory(makedir_new_dir); } [ 'default: continue(); ] makedir_select_dir_prompt_inst = instantiate(makedir_select_dir_prompt); makedir_default_dir_inst = instantiate(makedir_default_dir); if (not(makedir_skip_pass)) { /* Always reset current directory */ change_directory(makedir_current_directory); makedir_path_to_check = choose_directory_dialog(instantiate(makedir_select_dir_prompt_inst), instantiate(makedir_default_dir_inst), instantiate(makedir_content), instantiate(makedir_help)); } makedir_skip_pass = FALSE; /* check for instantiation problems */ makedir_bad_char = "%%"; if (contains(makedir_path_to_check,makedir_bad_char)) { makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_illegal_char); information_dialog(makedir_failure_message); makedir_redo = true; continue(); } pathify(makedir_path_to_check); /* Check for invalid homes */ if(makedir_check_invalid_home) { { makedir_os_for_home = makedir_os_for_home; } [ 'UNBOUND_VARIABLE: { makedir_os_for_home = os_name; continue(); } ] { add(makedir_valid_rgs, makedir_os_for_home); } [ 'unbound_variable: makedir_valid_rgs = list(makedir_os_for_home); ] if(directory_name(makedir_path_to_check) == makedir_path_to_check) orainst_dir= instantiate("%makedir_path_to_check%orainst"); else orainst_dir= instantiate("%makedir_path_to_check%\orainst"); /* Get the list of all the rgs files here */ list_rgs = files("%orainst_dir%\*.rgs"); oh_os = list(); /* Convert the list of files into a list of OSs */ while(not(empty(list_rgs))) { fname = file_name(first(list_rgs)); add(oh_os, first(explode(fname, ".",'STRINGSONLY))); list_rgs = rest(list_rgs); } subtract(oh_os, makedir_valid_rgs); if(not(empty(oh_os))) { extra_os = first(oh_os); /* Pick one different OS */ makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_other_os_home); information_dialog(makedir_failure_message); makedir_redo = true; continue(); } } ['UNBOUND_VARIABLE: continue(); ] /* check for known bad directory structures */ makedir_bad_trees = makedir_bad_tree_list; makedir_bad_tree_messages = makedir_bad_tree_message_list; makedir_bad_tree_contents = makedir_bad_tree_content_list; makedir_bad_tree_helps = makedir_bad_tree_help_list; while (not(empty(makedir_bad_trees))) { /* Compare the components of the two paths to see if makedir_path_to_check is contained within any of the elements in makedir_bad_trees */ path_to_check_list = explode(makedir_path_to_check, "\",'STRINGSONLY); bad_path_list = explode(first(makedir_bad_trees), "\",'STRINGSONLY); found_bad = FALSE; if(not(empty(path_to_check_list))) { while (first(bad_path_list) == first(path_to_check_list)) { bad_path_list = rest(bad_path_list); path_to_check_list = rest(path_to_check_list); if (empty(bad_path_list)) { /* contained path found */ found_bad = TRUE; break(); } else if (empty(path_to_check_list)) /* path is good */ break(); } } if (found_bad) { makedir_bad_tree_contents_inst = instantiate(first(makedir_bad_tree_contents)); makedir_failure_message = instantiate(first(makedir_bad_tree_messages)); if (makedir_bad_tree_contents_inst=="") information_dialog(makedir_failure_message); else information_dialog(makedir_failure_message, makedir_bad_tree_contents_inst, instantiate(first(makedir_bad_tree_helps))); makedir_redo = TRUE; break(); } makedir_bad_trees = rest(makedir_bad_trees); makedir_bad_tree_messages = rest(makedir_bad_tree_messages); makedir_bad_tree_contents = rest(makedir_bad_tree_contents); makedir_bad_tree_helps = rest(makedir_bad_tree_helps); } if (makedir_redo) continue(); /* check for known bad directories */ makedir_bad_dirs = makedir_bad_dir_list; makedir_bad_dir_messages = makedir_bad_dir_message_list; makedir_bad_dir_contents = makedir_bad_dir_content_list; makedir_bad_dir_helps = makedir_bad_dir_help_list; while (not(empty(makedir_bad_dirs))) { if (makedir_path_to_check==first(makedir_bad_dirs)) { makedir_bad_dir_contents_inst = instantiate(first(makedir_bad_dir_contents)); makedir_failure_message = instantiate(first(makedir_bad_dir_messages)); if (makedir_bad_dir_contents_inst=="") information_dialog(makedir_failure_message); else information_dialog(makedir_failure_message, makedir_bad_dir_contents_inst, instantiate(first(makedir_bad_dir_helps))); makedir_redo = TRUE; break(); } makedir_bad_dirs = rest(makedir_bad_dirs); makedir_bad_dir_messages = rest(makedir_bad_dir_messages); makedir_bad_dir_contents = rest(makedir_bad_dir_contents); makedir_bad_dir_helps = rest(makedir_bad_dir_helps); } if (makedir_redo) continue(); /* Break up makedir_path_to_check into drive:\path & check each directory */ { makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_specify_drive); /* no : */ if (not(contains(makedir_path_to_check,":"))) signal('makedir_error); makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_bad_drive); /* bad drive letter */ makedir_drive_path = explode(makedir_path_to_check,":",'stringsonly); makedir_drive = first(makedir_drive_path); /* find the drive */ if (not(member(makedir_drives,makedir_drive))) signal('makedir_error); makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_no_dir); /* nothing after : */ makedir_path = rest(makedir_drive_path); if (empty(makedir_path)) signal('makedir_error); makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_invalid_path); /* extra : */ makedir_rest_path = rest(makedir_path); if (not(empty(makedir_rest_path))) signal('makedir_error); makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_absolute_path); /* not absolute path */ makedir_path = first(makedir_path); if (first(explode(makedir_path,"\",true,'stringsonly))!="\") signal('makedir_error); /* reject if there is not enough space */ { makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_not_enough_space); if( free_space(makedir_path_to_check) < makedir_required_space ) signal('makedir_error); } [ 'default: { continue(); }] } [ 'makedir_error: { makedir_redo = TRUE; information_dialog(instantiate(makedir_failure_message)); continue(); } ] if (makedir_redo) continue(); /* assume FAT if not disk not accessible - probably floppy */ { makedir_fstype = dos_file_system_type("%makedir_drive%:\"); } [ 'default: makedir_fstype = 'fat; ] if ((makedir_fstype!='nfs) || (makedir_fstype!='ntnf)) { makedir_bad_chars = list("!","@","#","&","$","%%","^","*"," ", "<",">","?","|",",","+","=","[","]",";"); while (not(empty(makedir_bad_chars))) { /* check for illegal characters */ makedir_bad_char = first(makedir_bad_chars); makedir_bad_chars = rest(makedir_bad_chars); if (contains(makedir_path,makedir_bad_char)) { makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_illegal_char); information_dialog(makedir_failure_message); makedir_redo = true; break(); } } if (makedir_redo) continue(); } if (contains(makedir_path,"\\")) { makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_invalid_path); information_dialog(makedir_failure_message); continue(); } makedir_names = explode(makedir_path,"\",'stringsonly); if (empty(makedir_names)) { { makedir_root_allowed = makedir_root_allowed; } [ 'unbound_variable: makedir_root_allowed = false; ] if (not(makedir_root_allowed)) { makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_root_message); information_dialog(makedir_failure_message, instantiate(makedir_root_content), instantiate(makedir_root_help)); continue(); /* case of d:\ */ } } else { makedir_current_path = "%makedir_drive%:"; change_directory(makedir_current_path); /* check for bad names */ if ((makedir_fstype=='hpfs) || (makedir_fstype=='ntfs)) { while (not(empty(makedir_names))) { makedir_name = first(makedir_names); makedir_names = rest(makedir_names); { makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_name_too_long); if ((length(makedir_name)>254)) signal('makedir_signal); /* too long */ makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_illegal_name); if (member(makedir_bad_names,makedir_name)) signal('makedir_signal); /* illegal name */ makedir_current_path = "%makedir_current_path%\%makedir_name%"; makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_invalid_path); makedir_exists = exists(makedir_current_path); makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_cant_create_dir); if (not(makedir_exists)) { make_directory(makedir_current_path); if (not(exists(makedir_current_path))) signal('make_directory_failure,makedir_failure_message); makedir_new_dirs = cons(makedir_current_path,makedir_new_dirs); } makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_dir_not_accessible); change_directory(makedir_current_path); } [ 'default: { information_dialog(makedir_failure_message); makedir_redo = true; break(); } ] } } else if ((makedir_fstype=='nfs) || (makedir_fstype=='ntnf)) { while (not(empty(makedir_names))) { makedir_name = first(makedir_names); /* find last name */ makedir_names = rest(makedir_names); makedir_current_path = "%makedir_current_path%\%makedir_name%"; { makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_invalid_path); makedir_exists = exists(makedir_current_path); makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_cant_create_dir); if (not(makedir_exists)) { make_directory(makedir_current_path); if (not(exists(makedir_current_path))) signal('make_directory_failure,makedir_failure_message); makedir_new_dirs = cons(makedir_current_path,makedir_new_dirs); } makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_dir_not_accessible); change_directory(makedir_current_path); } [ 'default: { information_dialog(makedir_failure_message); makedir_redo = true; break(); } ] } } else /* FAT */ { while (not(empty(makedir_names))) { makedir_name = first(makedir_names); makedir_names = rest(makedir_names); { makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_illegal_name); if (member(makedir_bad_names,makedir_name)) signal('makedir_signal); /* illegal name */ makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_illegal_name); if (count(makedir_name,".")>1) signal('makedir_signal); /* too many .'s */ makedir_base_ext = explode(makedir_name,".",'stringsonly); makedir_base = first(makedir_base_ext); makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_long_basename); if (length(makedir_base)>8) signal('makedir_signal); /* basename too long */ makedir__ext = rest(makedir_base_ext); if (not(empty(makedir__ext))) { /* has extension - check it */ makedir_ext = first(makedir__ext); makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_long_extension); if (length(makedir_ext)>3) signal('makedir_signal); /* extension too long */ } makedir_current_path = "%makedir_current_path%\%makedir_name%"; makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_invalid_path); makedir_exists = exists(makedir_current_path); makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_cant_create_dir); if (not(makedir_exists)) { make_directory(makedir_current_path); if (not(exists(makedir_current_path))) signal('make_directory_failure,makedir_failure_message); makedir_new_dirs = cons(makedir_current_path,makedir_new_dirs); } makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_dir_not_accessible); change_directory(makedir_current_path); } [ 'default: { information_dialog(makedir_failure_message); makedir_redo = true; break(); } ] } } if (makedir_redo) continue(); /* reject if last name contains tabs or final white space */ if (implode(explode(makedir_name,'stringsonly))!=makedir_name) { makedir_failure_message = instantiate(makedir_has_white_space); information_dialog(makedir_failure_message); continue(); } } change_directory(makedir_current_directory); return(makedir_path_to_check); } }[ 'default(uncaught_signal, uncaught_signal_message): { { while (not(empty(makedir_new_dirs))) { makedir_new_dir = first(makedir_new_dirs); makedir_new_dirs = rest(makedir_new_dirs); remove_directory(makedir_new_dir); } [ 'default: continue(); ] change_directory(makedir_current_directory); signal(uncaught_signal, uncaught_signal_message); } ['default: signal(uncaught_signal, uncaught_signal_message);] } ] }