/* Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1992. All Rights Reserved */ /***************************************************************************** NAME rsf70.dei - WinNT V3 de-installation script for ORACLE Required Support Files. DESCRIPTION This script removes the Windows NT ORACLE RSF files and un-registers the product. OWNER Tony Rodgers MODIFIED DD-MMM-YY Reason mhclau 22-SEP-97 Remove NLS resources. syau 09/14/94 - Don't deinstall oraspawn.dll if post 7.0 exists. trodgers 01-APR-92 Created. *****************************************************************************/ { registry = registration("ntrsf70"); registry_label = registry_interface_label(registry); ui_product(registry_label); /***************************************************************************** Bind all NLS deinstall strings here... *****************************************************************************/ unknown_rdbms70_prompt = nls("unknown_rdbms70_prompt","It is not possible to remove %%product_label%% because of a problem with the RDBMS70 value in the Oracle component of the NT Registry."); unknown_rdbms70_content = nls("unknown_rdbms70_content","Configuration Problem"); unknown_rdbms70_help = nls("unknown_rdbms70_help","In order to remove %%product_label%%, it is necessary to have a correct value for the RDBMS70 value in the Oracle component of the NT Registry. The RDBMS70 variable should point to the directory to whic h Oracle7 was installed."); unknown_plsql20_prompt = nls("unknown_plsql20_prompt","It is not possible to remove %%product_label%% because of a problem with the PLSQL20 value in the Oracle component of the NT Registry."); unknown_plsql20_content = nls("unknown_plsql20_content","Configuration Problem"); unknown_plsql20_help = nls("unknown_plsql20_help","In order to remove %%product_label%%, it is necessary to have a correct value for the PLSQL20 value in the Oracle component of the NT Registry. The PLSQL20 variable should point to the directory to whic h PLSQL files were installed."); unknown_pro15_prompt = nls("unknown_pro15_prompt","It is not possible to remove %%product_label%% because of a problem with the PRO15 value in the Oracle component of the NT Registry."); unknown_pro15_content = nls("unknown_pro15_content","Configuration Problem"); unknown_pro15_help = nls("unknown_pro15_help","In order to remove %%product_label%%, it is necessary to have a correct value for the PRO15 value in the Oracle component of the NT Registry. The PRO15 variable should point to the directory to which precom piler files were installed."); unregistering = nls("unregistering","Unregistering %%registry_label%%..."); deinst_sql = nls("deinst_sql","Deinstalling %%registry_label%% SQL Scripts..."); deinst_msb = nls("deinst_msb","Deinstalling %%registry_label%% Message Files..."); deinst_dll = nls("deinst_dll","Deinstalling %%registry_label%% Dynamic Link Libraries..."); deinst_exe = nls("deinst_exe","Deinstalling %%registry_label%% Executables..."); deinst_script = nls("deinst_script","Deinstalling %%registry_label%% Installation Scripts..."); service_prompt = nls("service_prompt","You must stop all oracle services in order to deinstall the rsf."); service_content = nls("service_content","Stop Oracle Services"); service_help = nls("service_help","You should use the orasrv utility or go into the services control panel application and stop all services starting with Oracle."); /***************************************************************************** Continue with the deinstallation *****************************************************************************/ doit = FALSE; if (unreferenced(registry)) doit = TRUE; else if (not(internally_called)) if (uniquely_self_referenced(registry)) doit = TRUE; else doit = yesno_dialog(instantiate(deinstall_prompt01)); if (doit) { /* check to see if all of the oracle services are shutdown */ { remove_file("%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\corent.dll"); } ['PERMISSION_DENIED:{ information_dialog(service_prompt, service_content,service_help); signal('FAILURE, "Deinstallation terminated. Please stop all Oracle services."); } ] ui_product(registry_label); { rdbms70 = v7_translate("RDBMS70"); } [ 'UNBOUND_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE: information_dialog(instantiate( unknown_rdbms70_prompt ), instantiate( unknown_rdbms70_content ), instantiate( unknown_rdbms70_help ) ); ] { plsql20 = v7_translate("PLSQL20"); } [ 'UNBOUND_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE: information_dialog(instantiate( unknown_plsql20_prompt ), instantiate( unknown_plsql20_content ), instantiate( unknown_plsql20_help ) ); ] { pro15 = v7_translate("PRO15"); } [ 'UNBOUND_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE: information_dialog(instantiate( unknown_pro15_prompt ), instantiate( unknown_pro15_content ), instantiate( unknown_pro15_help ) ); ] ui_action( instantiate( deinst_sql ) ); remove(sql); ui_action( instantiate( deinst_msb ) ); remove(msg); ui_action( instantiate( deinst_dll ) ); if (not(registered("ntrdbms71")) && not(registered("ntrdbms72")) && not(registered("ntrdbms73")) && not(registered("ntrdbms80"))) remove(dll); else { move_file("%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\oraspawn.dll","%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\oraspawn.701"); remove(dll); move_file("%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\oraspawn.701","%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\oraspawn.dll"); } ui_action( instantiate( deinst_exe ) ); remove(exe); ui_action( instantiate( deinst_script ) ); remove(deinstl, nls_abbreviation); ui_action( instantiate( unregistering ) ); unregister(registry); if (not(registered("ntrdbms70")) && not(registered("ntutil70"))) { modify("RDBMS70","",ora_config,"="); modify("PLSQL20","",ora_config,"="); } if (not(registered("ntproc15")) && not(registered("ntpro15"))) { modify("PRO15","",ora_config,"="); } } }