/* Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1997. All Rights Reserved */ /*************************************************************** NAME jre.vrf DESCRIPTION This is the dependency verification script for installing the Java(tm) Runtime Environment (JRE) verison 1.1 as licensed to Oracle for distribution. Use of the Java(tm) Runtime Environemnt is covered by the copyright and license statements which accompany the software. MODIFIED MM/DD/YY Reason mclose 05/07/97 Created ****************************************************************/ { { doit = execute("%installer_home%\%operating_system%.vrf"); } [ 'UNBOUND_VARIABLE: { required_version = product_version(osinstver); temp = explode(required_version,"."); required_version = implode(list(first(temp),first(rest(temp)), first(rest(rest(temp))), first(rest(rest(rest(temp))))),"."); signal('failure,instantiate(nls("instver_too_early1","The version of the Installer currently running is %%installer_version%%. The installation you have chosen requires version %%required_version%% or later. Please run version %%required_version%% or later in order to perform this installation."))); } ] if(doit) { vrf_ratchet = "1.1.1"; jre11 = "%oracle_home%\JRE11"; set_jre11 = TRUE; installing_license = nls("installing_license","Installing %%product_label%% License Information..."); installing_executables = nls("installing_executables","Installing %%product_label%% Executables and DLLs..."); installing_classes = nls("installing_classes","Installing %%product_label%% Class Libraries..."); installing_scripts = nls("installing_scripts","Installing %%product_label%% Scripts..."); registering_product = nls("registering_product","Registering %%product_label%%..."); /*** Ask user questions pertaining to installation... ***/ /*** Compute and return size requirements for the current product and its dependent products. The verify() function calls the .vrf script for the given product, returning its size. ***/ return(sum(deinstl, license, bin, lib, security)); } else { refresh_map_file = FALSE; /*** Don't bother checking MAP file, as installation will not proceed. ***/ return(0); } }